Workouts & Employee Engagement

How’s it going with your New Year’s resolutions?

If you even remember what they were, you’re doing better than most people. But chances are, it had something to do with getting healthier, skinnier, or more in shape — that’s the number-one resolution people make, according to most surveys.

The Swedish startup GuineaPig is making it easier for even the laziest of us to take workout breaks at work with classes available on-demand via Slack and Microsoft Teams. The idea is that if you have time to linger on a Slack channel chatting with your co-workers about your cats, you have time to stand up and do a quick workout.

Apps that get employees invested in their fitness have a residual side effect: They also get employees more engaged. Particularly for remote employees, coming together for a quick workout break inspires a bit of camaraderie.

The last few years have been tough on employees (and leaders!). Unfortunately, I talk to burnt-out folks every day in my job. Finding little ways to re-invigorate people is always an excellent choice.

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