You see them every year: The Best Places to Work 2022!
You scroll through the list, daydreaming about working at one of these Best Places. But for one reason or another, it’s not realistic to land a job there.
The next best thing? Look for a place to work that’s LIKE those best places to work. And the best way to do that? Check out the criteria of the winners.
For instance, Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work prize is awarded to companies that excel in the number, quality, and consistency of employer reviews. So taking a look at other companies that get abundant and superior reviews on Glassdoor is one way to look at it.
Fortune’s Best Companies to Work For is based on a workforce study the company conducts that asks about things like ‘community giving” and “unique and special benefits.”
The local Business Journals also post lists annually of Best Places to Work. Companies are categorized into different sizes (Small/Medium/Large/Extra Large) and results are based on surveys completed by employees. Good place to start!
Knowing what makes people happy to work at a “best place to work” is good insight when evaluating any company. As a recruiter for 25+ years, I also have this to add:
Never be afraid to ask an experienced recruiter for their impression of a company.
#bestplacestowork #careerplanning #companyculture
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