What Employees Hate About Their Employers

Want to know what people hate the most about the companies they work for? Trust me, YOU DO — if you want to hang onto your talent.

According to a Pew Research Center of 2,003 working Americans, workers were less satisfied with their jobs today than a little over two decades ago. In 1989, 43 percent of workers 50 & older said they were satisfied with their employer & work environment. According to this recent poll that number is down sharply to 30 percent. Meanwhile workers 18-29 job satisfaction increased from 23 to 32 percent and the 30-49 showed a slight gain going from 24-26 percent.

What are some of the factors leading to satisfaction or dissatisfaction? Here are the top factors workers are leaving jobs:

✖️ Lack of communication

✖️ Under appreciation

✖️ There’s a hustle culture that doesn’t allow for people to take care of themselves

✖️ Incompetent/micromanaging/overbearing managers! (a problem as old as time)

✖️ No job security

✖️ Unfair pay

✖️ Terrible benefits

✖️ No way to develop in a career

In the 25+ years I’ve been a recruiter, employees have never been quite so picky about their employers. Nor have they had so many other career options. If you suspect any of these red flags apply to your company, it might be time to take a cold hard look.

#warfortalent #employeedevelopment #bestplacestowork

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