The Great Renegotiation

Finding new ways to talk about the Great Resignation has practically become a pastime of HR pundits. Now, they’re calling it the Great Renegotiation.

The truth is, people aren’t just quitting. In many cases, they’re moving on to greener pastures, different and/or better roles and more money.

One recent piece of research by The Hustle showed that of more than a thousand people surveyed, about 27% left their jobs because they found a better-paying job, 17% found a more rewarding job, 10% decided to pursue a new career path, 8% wanted a job with a more flexible work culture, and 6% decided to start their own business.

For hiring managers, the takeaway is clear: People want to work. As a recruiter, I interface with these people every day.

But do they want to work for YOU? If you’re struggling to land talent, think about the reasons people are switching jobs right now (see above). Does your culture and pay address these issues?

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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