Tampa Bay recruiter

Job Switchers Realize Higher Wage Increases

According to fresh new research by Zippia, job changers on average realize a salary increase of 14.8% while the average wage growth is 5.8%. Additionally wage growth is 47% higher for those switching jobs vs those remaining in their current jobs. Industries with the highest average salary increase when switching jobs are: Mining & Resources 11.8%; Information Technology 9.7% and Professional Services 9.6% [...]

2022-08-29T10:07:07-04:00August 29th, 2022|

Practice Tool for Honing Interview Skills

Fact: Just as job seekers get nervous about interviews, so do interviewers at times. Even if they aren't always nervous, they aren't always very good at it, either. Many just wing it. Google has a great tool for practicing interview skills that can make the hiring managers in your company better at what they do. It's called Interview Warmup. The tool lobs questions [...]

2022-08-25T08:25:04-04:00August 25th, 2022|

Closing the Deal

The entire recruiting process hinges on this moment. You’re putting forth a job offer, and hoping your first-choice candidate says YES. Other than the figures in your offer, which obviously matter, you’ve ideally laid the groundwork in advance. In other words, throughout the interview process you’ve been transparent, communicative and available. You've also discussed the candidate's career goals, counteroffer from current employer and [...]

2022-08-24T07:41:33-04:00August 24th, 2022|

Communicating your Career Story to Hiring Managers

“Once upon a time there was a (CFO/CPA/salesperson/etc) who defied all odds and broke the company records…” There’s an art to good storytelling, and it’s one you should hone as you search for a new role. Being able to tell your story to interviewers and hiring managers is essential to winning their attention and favor. Good storytelling is brief and succinct, without a [...]

2022-08-22T09:24:29-04:00August 22nd, 2022|

Is Hiring Going to Slow Down?

What does hiring look like in the next year? This is a question on the minds of many of my clients, candidates and those in my professional network. At the end of July, news leaked that Apple is going to slow down hiring over the next year in anticipation of a looming economic downturn. Even though not an official announcement, it instantly made [...]

2022-08-18T08:31:26-04:00August 18th, 2022|

Get Nature Into Your Commute

According to the experts and all the studies, the length of a job commute is inversely proportional to life satisfaction — and a big contributor to job burnout. But what if you have no choice? While getting your commute down to its shortest possible span might seem like the wise move, a study by Barcelona Institute for Global Health shows that commuting through [...]

2022-08-17T08:07:53-04:00August 17th, 2022|

Scam Job Ads

The IRS issued a warning in June (attached) that bad actors are using fake job offers to steal personally identifying information as well as money. Specifically, they get their hands on your personal information and use it to file for unemployment in your name — which can really mess with your records and your taxes. How to tell if a job offer is a [...]

2022-08-15T08:11:41-04:00August 15th, 2022|

Hybrid is Hell

In June, the founder and CEO of Yelp, Jeremy Stoppelman, boldly referred to hybrid work as “the worst of both worlds” and “the hell of half measures.” Unlike a lot of CEOs, however, he didn’t double down on coming back to the office. Instead, Yelp announced that it’s closing offices in New York, Chicago and D.C.—as well as reducing its Phoenix space—and sending [...]

2022-08-11T08:16:00-04:00August 11th, 2022|

Simplifying the Hiring Process

The hiring process at many companies is far too complicated, and I get why. You want to make sure you’re hiring the right people. Onboarding new hires is expensive, after all. But the fear of making a mistake in hiring has overly complicated the process for many companies today. For instance, in cross-functional organizations where a new hire will work with many different [...]

2022-08-10T08:54:18-04:00August 10th, 2022|

The State of Remote Work

Another day, another remote work poll. McKinsey’s latest data shows that 58% of Americans demand the choice of working from home at least once a week, and 35% want the option EVERY day. Yet, those with the option to work at home or in the office typically work remotely only 3.3 days a week. They still find value in coming into the office, [...]

2022-08-08T07:43:47-04:00August 8th, 2022|
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