Tampa bay jobs

Should You Record an Interview?

With virtual interviews now common, the ground rules need to be staked out. One question on the minds of a lot of my clients at Norstrem Associates: Should I record job interviews? While it might make sense to take advantage of the technology Zoom and other video-conferencing platforms offer, which tend to make recording any conversation easy, think twice. When you record a [...]

2022-03-25T07:06:29-04:00March 25th, 2022|

Making Your Employer Brand Stand Out

Where 10 or 15 years ago, employers focused on attracting employees with “perks,” today, companies are focused on using their “employer brand” to grab talent. But while onsite yoga classes and free espresso were relatively easy perks to procure and explain, employer brand is a much larger concept that’s harder to explain and control. As a recruiter, I like the way Harvard Business [...]

2022-03-23T08:36:22-04:00March 23rd, 2022|

Scaling is Hard

When Glossier laid off a third of its employees in January, a lot of companies took away a big lesson: Scaling is difficult. CEO Emily Weiss handled the layoffs by telling employees, “We got ahead of ourselves on hiring. Those missteps are on me.” This isn’t the first big layoff for the beauty brand. In 2020, the company shut down its retail stores [...]

2022-03-08T07:15:29-05:00March 8th, 2022|

Managing Conflict in a Leadership Role

“One of the most difficult challenges leaders of all organizations face is managing diverse perspectives.” I grabbed this from a recent Harvard Business Review piece. Frankly, it could have been written by just about any of the organizational leaders I work with these days. We all know that having people on a team with different viewpoints is healthy and lends itself to diversity [...]

2022-03-02T08:09:31-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

Update on the Great Resignation

Update on Great Resignation If you’re a leader, you’re probably as tired of hearing about this subject as can possibly be, but it’s true: The Great Resignation continues. In November, we reached another apex: 4.5M people quit their jobs that month. On the other hand, according to a Tweet by Heidi Shierholz president of the Economic Policy Institute. “4.5 million people quit, but [...]

2022-02-28T07:58:17-05:00February 28th, 2022|

Remote Jobs May Attract More Candidates

According to ZipRecruiter, jobs listed as “remote” get 300% more applicants than those that aren’t. Some say “the idea of a full return is dead.” And according to Ladders, the number of permanent remote positions doubled in 2021. I certainly hear this sentiment from certain clients as well. But while it might be true as a general statement across all industries and types [...]

2022-02-24T07:48:03-05:00February 24th, 2022|

Comparison – Selecting Crypto to Picking Your Next Employer

If you pick which crypto to invest in based on what’s trending, you might want to rethink your strategy. Recent studies show more than 50 million Americans may purchase crypto soon. Choosing by popularity is bound to be… well, popular. But popularity really doesn’t correlate with underlying value. What does? •Technology behind the coins •Circulation volume •Real world utility And while you’re at [...]

2022-02-23T08:17:41-05:00February 23rd, 2022|

Attracting New and More Employees

How are you making your workplace more enticing for new people and existing employees? If you’re an HR leader, chances are, you’ve increased the number of employees eligible to receive a cash bonus. At least, according to a Grant Thornton report, which says 68% of HR leaders took that step in 2021. Other perks reported by HR Dive include companies paying for their [...]

2022-02-22T07:51:39-05:00February 22nd, 2022|

Conducting Effective Interviews

If you’re new to hiring, you probably wish someone had just given you a playbook. Or at least a primer. That’s unlikely to have happened. So before you step into your first interview, make sure you've got a strategy for what you want to learn (i.e. behavioral vs competency vs stress type interview). Instead of "winging it" make certain you’re prepared with the [...]

2022-02-16T07:05:44-05:00February 16th, 2022|

HR Trends in 2022

More than perhaps any other line of business, HR folks have had to adapt in the last few years. As we round the bend into year three of the pandemic moving towards an endemic stage, what does this look like? According to HR Dive, there are a few big trends happening right now: 🔹 Workplace and workstyle flexibility are now the normal mode for [...]

2022-02-15T07:38:54-05:00February 15th, 2022|
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