tampa bay accounting jobs

CPA Burnout

Welcome to CPA-land. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. Quarter end & Year end for our audit friends. 3/15, 4/15, 9/15, 10/15 (& this year 2/15) for our tax friends. Not to mention deadlines and accountabilities for other service lines. But where does it all lead? According to a recent report on PRNewswire, the public accounting industry is facing an epidemic of burnout, with statistics revealing [...]

2023-10-31T09:20:48-04:00October 12th, 2023|

Feeling Guilty About Looking at Other Jobs?

Feeling guilty about looking around – at other jobs? I get that from candidates a lot. At all levels. It's perfectly normal to feel guilty about interviewing and/or leaving your job. After all, you've invested time and energy into building relationships with your colleagues and managers. You may also feel like you're letting them down, especially if you're leaving during a busy time [...]

2023-10-31T09:21:03-04:00October 11th, 2023|

Dealing with Ergophobia

Guess I didn’t realize or even think this is/was a thing. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many people have experienced a new fear: ergophobia. The fear of work – or the fear of going to work. 😨 According to a recent Indeed survey, 42% of workers in Canada report feeling anxious about returning to the office. And a study published in the [...]

2023-10-31T09:21:17-04:00October 10th, 2023|

Opportunities with Startups and Small Companies

🏢 Not feeling the “big company” vibe when considering your next career move? You’re not alone. According to a recent U.S. News report, small companies can be hidden gems, with 50% of private sector employees working for them. The benefits? Greater visibility, diverse responsibilities, and a chance to make a significant impact early on. You won't just be a cog in the machine; [...]

2023-10-31T09:22:22-04:00October 9th, 2023|

Empathy in the Workplace

Empathy (noun) em·​pa·​thy 1: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experiences of another Also: the capacity for this (Source – Merriam-Webster) According to a recent Forbes study, employees now expect empathy from their employers, but here's the kicker: HALF of them aren't getting it! 😮 Imagine working in an environment where your [...]

2023-10-31T09:22:32-04:00October 5th, 2023|

Interviewing Through the Years and Beyond

Who’s feeling nostalgic? Ah – the good old days of job searching, recruiting and interviewing. Newspaper want ads, fax machines and submitting resumes via US Mail. 📫Things certainly have changed over the years. More importantly, they are set up to change even further. According to a recent article from Jobvite, job searching today is all about leveraging technology. With 95% of recruiters using [...]

2023-10-31T09:22:41-04:00October 4th, 2023|

Best Markets for CPAs in 2023

Accountants & CPAs – where are the best markets to practice your craft in 2023? According to this article in Forbes the top three are Salt Lake City, Miami and Tucson. Metrics used include: ·   Number of CPA firms, offices and other Accounting Establishments ·   Ratio of CPA firms to other establishments ·   Median income and relative living wage ·   Median Home Price/Housing ·   Unemployment rate Central Florida markets [...]

2023-10-31T09:22:49-04:00October 3rd, 2023|

Longer Interview Processes

Lately, it seems like job interviews processes are lasting longer and longer! 🧐 Let's talk about the trends in interview process lengths and what you can do to outlast the competition. You’re not imagining things. According to a recent study on PeopleFacts, the average interview process now lasts a whopping 31.2 days! 📅 Federal jobs lead the pack with the longest process at [...]

2023-10-31T09:22:57-04:00October 2nd, 2023|

How Is Your Commute These Days?

🚗🏙️🏢 Since the pandemic, and WFH/remote, the landscape of work and commuting has drastically changed. Let's look at the current commuting metrics. How will they compare to your situation? How important is it to consider commuting when searching for your dream job? 🌟 According to a recent article from Forward Role, we've witnessed the "Death of the Commute" as we knew it. In [...]

2023-10-31T09:23:08-04:00September 28th, 2023|

Following Up After Interviews

🌟 You've gone through the interview, you’re feeling good about the company, the position and the meeting. Now it's time to follow up. But when? How? Let's explore some tools available to job seekers to help reinforce your interest in the position, highlight your follow up skills and display your professionalism. 🚀📩 💡 The Initial Thank-You Note (ASAP): 🙏 After your interview, send [...]

2023-10-31T09:23:16-04:00September 27th, 2023|
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