tampa bay accounting jobs

Introverts on Job Interviews

Interview time could equal high anxiety for the introverts in our lives. Many of my candidates – as CPAs and financial professionals – are either introverts or adapted introverts. Let’s consider some paths around or through this potential time of tension. While navigating the extroverted dynamics of a job interview can present unique challenges for introverts, it's important to remember that your quiet [...]

2024-01-23T08:57:25-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

Are There Keywords for Interviews?

We’ve all seen and heard about keywords and phrases one should use on their resume to get noticed. By HR and by TAS/TMS. How about once you’ve cleared that gate and are in an interview? Are there phrases one can incorporate to get noticed? Or how about phrases to avoid? Turns out there are. You’re headed to your interview and emotions are running [...]

2024-01-18T08:53:16-05:00January 18th, 2024|

Revised CPA Exam

Get ready CPA candidates, the test has changed! Starting in 2024, the CPA exam has undergone a major transformation, shifting from a one-size-fits-all approach to a core-plus-discipline model. What does this mean for you? If you’ve been too busy to look into it, here are some details with potential fallout: What's Different? 👋🏻 Goodbye, Four-Test Marathon: Say farewell to the grueling four-exam gauntlet. The new [...]

2024-01-17T09:45:42-05:00January 17th, 2024|

What Makes Up a Toxic Workplace?

We are all taught to “play nice” as youngsters so I’m sure by the time we are adults we all find a way to get along at work. Right? Guess not. But are we overreacting? The term "toxic work environment" hangs heavy in the air, flung like a poisoned dart at any disagreement or frustration bubbling beneath the surface. But has this potent [...]

2024-01-16T09:19:01-05:00January 16th, 2024|

Accounting Profession Shortage

The accounting profession faces a critical challenge: declining enrollment in accounting programs and a shrinking pool of CPA candidates. This trend raises concerns about the future workforce and the profession's ability to meet growing demand, especially in light of potentially stagnant compensation structures. Key findings from recent studies include: ⬇️ Enrollment Decline: According to the AICPA, the number of accounting bachelor's and master's degrees [...]

2024-01-10T10:59:27-05:00January 10th, 2024|

Tech Layoffs 2022 & 2023

The tech industry has seen a dramatic increase in layoffs in recent years. In 2022, according to Crunchbase, over 93,000 tech jobs were cut. This year (2023), depending upon your source, that number has skyrocketed to anywhere from almost 189,000 (Crunchbase) to 248,000 (Layoffs.fyi)! Whichever number you choose, that’s quite an increase and it makes one wonder what 2024 has in store. 📩 [...]

2023-12-11T09:25:53-05:00December 11th, 2023|

Are Promotions Unlikely if you’re Working Remotely?

“How many firms allow fully remote anymore and what is the trend in the market?” That’s a discussion I have with both candidates and clients every day. In a nutshell, I’m not seeing too many fully remote roles anymore (there are some) and the pendulum seems to be swinging back towards the office. Many firms have adopted a 4/1 or 3/2 approach. It’s [...]

2023-12-08T09:19:48-05:00December 8th, 2023|

Job Search in December

As the holiday season approaches, many professionals may find themselves contemplating a career change or actively seeking new opportunities. While the holiday season may seem like an unlikely time to be job hunting, it can actually be a good time to make a career move. 🎄 According to a recent article by Forbes, the job market typically slows down during the holidays, as [...]

2023-12-04T08:24:58-05:00December 4th, 2023|

Most Effective Time Management Technique

Nose to the grindstone – right? Get to the office, jump right into emails, then meetings while juggling multiple projects. Sometimes you don’t even notice the time. But maybe you should. Turns out there are time management techniques that are oriented around the human body’s natural rhythms. Find the right technique and you can accomplish more in less time and reduce stress. Here [...]

2023-11-30T11:51:47-05:00November 30th, 2023|

Cost of a Bad Hire

The team is desperate to fill that role but what happens if you make a bad hire? Someone who doesn’t fit in, is incompetent or who leaves within a year or so. Making a bad hiring decision can be a costly mistake for businesses of all sizes. In fact, the average cost of a bad hire is around $17,000, according to a recent [...]

2023-11-27T10:35:42-05:00November 27th, 2023|
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