tampa bay accounting jobs

HR in the Modern Company

Just how important is #HR in 2022 and beyond? HR used to be seen as more or less an administrative function within organizations, but a few things have conspired to change this. First, the pandemic made the job of HR departments incredibly important in order to regroup, reorient, retrain and relocate teams. Then, the talent crunch got even crunchier, and the competition to [...]

2022-10-13T08:42:00-04:00October 13th, 2022|

Retail Automation Surging Too Fast for Customers?

There are two types of people: full-service diehards and self-checkout enthusiasts. But if you've been to the grocery store lately, you've maybe noticed more self-checkout than ever. You've got the labor shortage to thank (or complain about, as most shoppers seem to be of the full-service mindset). Self-checkout use has doubled since the pandemic's start and made up 30% of all grocery transactions [...]

2022-10-12T08:24:49-04:00October 12th, 2022|

What New Worker Shortage?

“What new worker shortage?” This is the question you might get from a typical small business owner when asked how they’re coping with the sudden lack of candidates for open jobs. For a lot of these companies, it’s ALWAYS been hard to hire. So what can bigger businesses learn from small businesses who’ve had to be scrappy in the fact of hiring shortages? [...]

2022-10-11T07:53:57-04:00October 11th, 2022|

Manners Matter

So - where have all the manners gone? There used to be a certain decorum to the job hunt. It involved cover letters with respectable fonts and graciously crafted thank-you notes, or at least emails. Some hiring managers I speak with bemoan the loss of these little formalities among the candidates they see, while others don’t think they were ever important, to begin [...]

2022-10-10T07:29:13-04:00October 10th, 2022|

Most Commonly Misspelled Words on Resumes

Here’s a list of the most commonly misspelled words on resumes, according to the Guardian: ✖️ Experienced ✖️ Successful ✖️ Counselled ✖️ Professional ✖️ Responsible ✖️ Behaviour ✖️ Judgement Of course, the Guardian is a British publication, which means if you spell “behavior” as “behaviour,” you’re either outing yourself as British — or you’re misspelling the word. Same thing for counselled (British) vs counseled (American). And there’s an argument to be [...]

2022-10-07T07:40:32-04:00October 7th, 2022|

Partnership for Better Work Culture

“The office should be a magnet, not a mandate.” This is a terrific quote delivered by Pegasystems CEO Alan Trefler, whose approach to getting employees back to the office is about attraction, not compulsion. For Trefler, it all comes down to culture, which is why he works so closely with his Chief People Officer, Katherine Parente. The two talk daily to make decisions [...]

2022-10-06T07:36:02-04:00October 6th, 2022|

Beware Recruiting Scams

There’s yet another way a person can get scammed online these days, and that’s by applying for a job. Online recruiting scams typically lead a job seeker to believe they’re landing the job of their dreams – but with a little catch: they have to purchase their own equipment and get “reimbursed” later. Later never comes, and the equipment they purchased turns out [...]

2022-10-05T08:12:45-04:00October 5th, 2022|

Be Wary of Work Hard Play Hard

“Work hard, play hard” is the old cowboy ethos that pervades a lot of companies to this day. But when you use that phrase while trying to recruit talent, it doesn’t always land the way you want it to. A lot of candidates, in fact, will take it to mean that you don’t encourage work-life balance. Many of us take the phrase as [...]

2022-10-04T08:04:39-04:00October 4th, 2022|

RIP Open Offices, Cubicles are Cool Again

Open floor plans in offices used to be considered the epitome of modern design. No longer. Thanks to a pandemic — and maybe a little bit to the fact that a lot of people hated the lack of privacy — cubicles and private offices are in fact cool again. For a while, hot desking seemed like it was going to be the ticket. But while [...]

2022-10-03T07:08:22-04:00October 3rd, 2022|

Golden Rules for Applicant Follow Up

You inquired about a new job and now you’re wondering when and how to follow up. It’s a big conversation, but here are the basic golden rules: 1) If you haven’t heard whether your resume was received, follow up in a few days by email. If you got an email confirming that you applied — which usually happens if the company uses an automatic resume [...]

2022-09-27T12:59:33-04:00September 27th, 2022|
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