tampa bay accounting jobs

Most Sought After Skill On LinkedIn

What are employers looking for in candidates in 2023? LinkedIn’s “insider look” at the most sought-after skills is out, and the top skill this year is one that ChatGPT will probably never be very good at: managing people. Frankly I view management as a subset of leadership. Many “managers” fail as a result of not knowing how or failing to lead. Hovering over [...]

2023-03-23T08:59:33-04:00March 23rd, 2023|

Disability Benefits Based on Antiquated Jobs

When you think of government agencies, do you think of "cutting edge"? Not too many folks think “modern” when they think of the Social Security Administration, but still, one would hope they’re at least in this century. Not so much, according to a recent Washington Post headline, which claims that the agency approves or denies disability benefits based on a list that hasn’t [...]

2023-03-22T08:23:15-04:00March 22nd, 2023|

Does Every Company Need a Chief AI Officer?

CAIO – it’s not just a greeting any longer! The topic at hand is the addition of a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer to executive leadership teams. Given wide AI capabilities, the CAIO won’t be limited to just tech companies. Fast Company predicts that CAIOs will be needed in retailers, financial services & banking, as well as manufacturing companies and multi-industry corporate conglomerates. After [...]

2023-03-21T08:11:32-04:00March 21st, 2023|

Does Your Company Have a “People Mantra”?

What are some of the culture drivers in the workplace? Does your company have a "people mantra" that drives the way you make HR decisions? IBM does: "Eliminate. Simplify. Automate." Sound like it could be a line from Terminator? I thought so too, on first read. But a deeper dive reveals that the intention of this mantra is actually quite human-friendly. As IBM's [...]

2023-03-20T07:43:19-04:00March 20th, 2023|

Blockchain in the HR Department

Can blockchain be used to secure employee records & information? Blockchain technology is a way of handling data and digital information that’s decentralized and highly secure. Its proponents tout that it’s impossible to commit fraud via blockchain. (Unless someone programs in a back door - right?) Aside from the more well-known cryptocurrency use case, blockchain technology has wide implications. It could have a [...]

2023-03-16T07:56:11-04:00March 16th, 2023|

How Tech is Changing Healthcare Benefits

So you've decided to leave your job and join the gig economy. Gig work gets a lot of props in the media, but one thing gig workers are finding out is that leaving their full time job to do project, contract or freelance work comes with a major drawback: no health insurance. The startup Stride Health is tackling this problem by connecting gig [...]

2023-03-15T08:09:47-04:00March 15th, 2023|

What are the Effects of Understaffing?

Are people in your company pulling double duty? Understaffing is “bad for everybody,” says Josh Bersin. “Bad for the customers. It’s bad for the employees. It’s bad for the company.” Yet, whether it’s due to layoffs, the Great Resignation or simply a talent shortage in a particular sector, a lot of companies are having to make do with fewer people right now. A [...]

2023-03-14T08:09:49-04:00March 14th, 2023|

How to Stand Out as a Candidate

You've landed that job interview for the next rung in your career ladder. Want to stand out in that job interview? As a recruiter for the past 25+ years, I’ve both prepped and interviewed thousands of candidates. I have also witnessed how they perform in interviews with hiring managers. Here’s some quick and dirty advice. Let's assume the interviewer has read your resume, [...]

2023-03-13T08:22:20-04:00March 13th, 2023|

Do You Know Your Worth?

Heading into annual review meetings there's an important question to ask yourself. It sounds a little self-helpy, which you may or may not be a fan of, but regardless, it’s an important question: Do you know your worth? I happen to believe that everyone is unique and valuable in their own way, but today we are going to address value/worth at the workplace. [...]

2023-03-10T07:18:33-05:00March 10th, 2023|

What’s the Magic Number for Layoffs?

Seems many of the companies laying off are on the same page. 13% used to be the magical number. Now, it’s somewhere between 5 and 7%. That’s the number of people getting laid off from companies, and it’s a disturbingly similar figure from company to company. As HR Brew recently rounded up, here are a handful of companies who’ve laid off in this [...]

2023-03-09T06:59:40-05:00March 9th, 2023|
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