tampa bay accounting jobs

What Happened to Flexible Work?

Let's talk about the state of WFH & flexible work arrangements using a particular example. Employees at BlackRock are preparing their commuting strategies. BlackRock will require its employees to work from the office four days a week starting in mid-September. In a memo to employees from the company's chief operating officer, Rob Goldstein, and human resources chief, Caroline Heller, the company said, "We [...]

2023-06-13T09:10:29-04:00June 13th, 2023|

Straightforward Job Descriptions

Are your job descriptions and ad postings lacking in response? If you want to attract smart talent, you should consider eliminating the jargon in your job postings. No one is attracted to a company advertising for "unicorns, rock stars, jedis, ninjas, wizards or gurus" anymore. There are other phrases that are equally tired, although they may seem hard to replace… Consider the "dynamic [...]

2023-06-12T08:43:26-04:00June 12th, 2023|

AI in the Hiring & Recruiting Process

#AI is hot and gaining steam. A recent survey by Statista showed that 28% of Gen X’ers, 27% of Millenials and 29% of Gen Z’ers will be using generative AI tools in the workplace this year. But how about when it comes to recruiting & hiring? Candidates – on balance - are still cold toward it when it comes to AI-enhanced hiring decisions. [...]

2023-06-08T09:17:58-04:00June 8th, 2023|

Can AI Do All Your Emailing for You?

Another week. Another new workplace term. Here's one delivered to us courtesy of Chat GPT and AI: "Chatfishing". Now - here's the story behind it. Since AI became the greatest thing since, well, sliced bread, we hear nothing but buzz from peers, colleagues, and headlines. People are keen to shed their most drudgerous duties and assign them to a robot. That was the [...]

2023-06-06T08:21:31-04:00June 6th, 2023|

What Questions Should I Ask In an Interview?

It's always good to revisit topics that come up in my business with candidates on a (pretty much) weekly basis. Here is a common one: "What am I supposed to say when the interviewer asks me if I have any questions for THEM? How big picture or detailed should I get?" Such is the plight of every professional entering an interview setting. You [...]

2023-06-02T08:49:41-04:00June 2nd, 2023|

The Hidden Job Market

So what is “The Hidden Job Market”? Is it a thing? The hidden job market refers to employment opportunities that are not publicly advertised or easily accessible through traditional channels. Instead, these opportunities are often filled through networking, referrals, and internal promotions. Never mind positions that arise due to an intersection of select & timely available talent and the desire for a company [...]

2023-06-01T09:18:39-04:00June 1st, 2023|

And Now it’s Time For The Big Stay in the Workplace

Ready for another workplace trend term? You've come to the right place. Official word on the street is that the Great Resignation is being replaced with the Big Stay. Chief economist at ADP Nela Richardson recently wrote that US job openings are down 20% from a year ago — their highest peak ever. But companies are still hiring like crazy, and hiring has [...]

2023-05-31T09:01:52-04:00May 31st, 2023|

The Importance of Employee Retention in 2023

While effective recruitment strategies are necessary in 2023’s #warfortalent, another crucial area should not be overlooked: employee retention. Retaining top talent has become more vital than ever, and organizations that prioritize this aspect are poised to thrive. A recent article by Forbes revealed that the 2023 average turnover rate in the US is 3.8% with about 2.5% of that attributable to quitting. Further [...]

2023-05-25T09:21:28-04:00May 25th, 2023|

Tell Me About Yourself

It's the question that kicks off almost every interview, yet people still often feel unprepared for it… "Tell me about yourself." In theory, this should be the easiest question in the world to answer - we love talking about ourselves! But as a recruiter who has asked this question hundreds - if not thousands - of times, I have heard more awful responses [...]

2023-05-24T08:35:53-04:00May 24th, 2023|

Another Online Resume Scam

PSA for May - resume scam alert! We all get inundated by fake emails, texts, and even social media posts. But a new scam making the rounds is targeting job seekers: one which promises resume reformatting. Here's how it works: you're contacted by someone from an alleged recruitment company who found your information online and claims you're an excellent candidate for a well-paying [...]

2023-05-23T08:34:21-04:00May 23rd, 2023|
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