private equity

Managing Conflict in a Leadership Role

“One of the most difficult challenges leaders of all organizations face is managing diverse perspectives.” I grabbed this from a recent Harvard Business Review piece. Frankly, it could have been written by just about any of the organizational leaders I work with these days. We all know that having people on a team with different viewpoints is healthy and lends itself to diversity [...]

2022-03-02T08:09:31-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

Remote Jobs May Attract More Candidates

According to ZipRecruiter, jobs listed as “remote” get 300% more applicants than those that aren’t. Some say “the idea of a full return is dead.” And according to Ladders, the number of permanent remote positions doubled in 2021. I certainly hear this sentiment from certain clients as well. But while it might be true as a general statement across all industries and types [...]

2022-02-24T07:48:03-05:00February 24th, 2022|

Onsites are the new Offsites

Remember offsites, those annual gatherings to get the team together for high-level strategy and planning work — not to mention extreme team-bonding activities? Now, in the hybrid era, when people aren’t always in the office — if ever — offsites are turning into onsites. As Erica Keswin describes it in Harvard Business Review: “Professional development is critical to stemming the tide of the Great [...]

2022-02-17T07:04:37-05:00February 17th, 2022|

Conducting Effective Interviews

If you’re new to hiring, you probably wish someone had just given you a playbook. Or at least a primer. That’s unlikely to have happened. So before you step into your first interview, make sure you've got a strategy for what you want to learn (i.e. behavioral vs competency vs stress type interview). Instead of "winging it" make certain you’re prepared with the [...]

2022-02-16T07:05:44-05:00February 16th, 2022|

HR Trends in 2022

More than perhaps any other line of business, HR folks have had to adapt in the last few years. As we round the bend into year three of the pandemic moving towards an endemic stage, what does this look like? According to HR Dive, there are a few big trends happening right now: 🔹 Workplace and workstyle flexibility are now the normal mode for [...]

2022-02-15T07:38:54-05:00February 15th, 2022|

Being Ready for Different Kinds of Interviews

How to do well in an interview? It depends what kind of interview we’re talking about. A behavioral interview focuses on your behavior — both in the interview and in the hypothetical workplace. Questions revolve around your conflict-resolution skills and try to tease out insight into the way you think and act on the job. A competency interview assess your core skills, both hard [...]

2022-02-14T07:47:22-05:00February 14th, 2022|

Hiring for Empathy

Empathy has become a big soft-skills buzzword over the last few years, and it’s no wonder. It’s been a challenging time for a lot of people. But specific to the hiring world, and particularly when hiring for leadership positions, empathy is a critical marker to look out for. Empaths are simply better at understanding what a situation calls for, and having a flexible [...]

2022-02-10T08:06:17-05:00February 10th, 2022|

Responding to Recruiters

In the flow of your busy day, you get a LinkedIn notification that someone has InMail messaged you. It’s a message from a recruiter you do not know. “Yeah right,” you think. “I’ll get to that after I clear my inbox, catch up on Slack, and sit through all these Zooms.” You never get to it. If you’re not even looking to change [...]

2022-02-09T08:03:30-05:00February 9th, 2022|

The Great Realization

You’ve heard of the Great Resignation. Now, let’s talk about the Great Realization. As Indeed recently reported, “The onset of the global pandemic has offered a slower pace and new lens to reflect on how we might live happier, more fulfilling lives.” For a lot of people, that means a critical lens on their jobs. In a Workplace Happiness Study Indeed commissioned from [...]

2022-01-14T08:42:57-05:00January 14th, 2022|
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