private equity recruiter

What are the Effects of Understaffing?

Are people in your company pulling double duty? Understaffing is “bad for everybody,” says Josh Bersin. “Bad for the customers. It’s bad for the employees. It’s bad for the company.” Yet, whether it’s due to layoffs, the Great Resignation or simply a talent shortage in a particular sector, a lot of companies are having to make do with fewer people right now. A [...]

2023-03-14T08:09:49-04:00March 14th, 2023|

How to Stand Out as a Candidate

You've landed that job interview for the next rung in your career ladder. Want to stand out in that job interview? As a recruiter for the past 25+ years, I’ve both prepped and interviewed thousands of candidates. I have also witnessed how they perform in interviews with hiring managers. Here’s some quick and dirty advice. Let's assume the interviewer has read your resume, [...]

2023-03-13T08:22:20-04:00March 13th, 2023|

Do You Know Your Worth?

Heading into annual review meetings there's an important question to ask yourself. It sounds a little self-helpy, which you may or may not be a fan of, but regardless, it’s an important question: Do you know your worth? I happen to believe that everyone is unique and valuable in their own way, but today we are going to address value/worth at the workplace. [...]

2023-03-10T07:18:33-05:00March 10th, 2023|

What’s the Magic Number for Layoffs?

Seems many of the companies laying off are on the same page. 13% used to be the magical number. Now, it’s somewhere between 5 and 7%. That’s the number of people getting laid off from companies, and it’s a disturbingly similar figure from company to company. As HR Brew recently rounded up, here are a handful of companies who’ve laid off in this [...]

2023-03-09T06:59:40-05:00March 9th, 2023|

Things That Can Sabotage a Resume

Are you taking your resume seriously? Considering the average resume receives only a 7-second scan by hiring managers, if you're making blatant or even subtle mistakes on yours, you're somewhat doomed. I'm not just talking about spelling and grammatical mistakes. I'm talking about the main reasons perfectly solid resumes get rejected on an initial scan: • Your basic "relevant experience" stats on where [...]

2023-03-08T07:50:16-05:00March 8th, 2023|

Assessing What a Company Offers It’s Employees

Pay isn't the number one driver in employee satisfaction. Employees today expect a lot more out of their jobs than just a paycheck. They want to spend their time in roles that will ultimately further their professional development. For this reason, companies that offer intentional succession planning, upskilling opportunities and other learning options, such as… 👉 Coaching and mentoring 👉 Job rotation opportunities 👉 Stretch assignments [...]

2023-03-07T07:51:58-05:00March 7th, 2023|

Are We in an Era of Sabbaticals?

Are sabbaticals just for academia these days? With all the talk about quiet quitting and burnout, it’s tempting to assume the workforce — especially the younger workforce — has just about had it. According to federal data, more than 50M people in the US quit their jobs last year. All of the disruption, pivoting and downright pandemonium of the pandemic and its fallout [...]

2023-03-06T07:40:41-05:00March 6th, 2023|

March is – Burrito Season

What's your busiest time of year at work? Many industries have annual busy times of year. For my friends in public accounting, January through mid April is their frenetic filing time. (Hope it's going well for all you CPAs! 🤜 💥 ) Retail is another sector that tends to be susceptible to seasonal fluctuations. For the majority of the retail world, the pre-Christmas [...]

2023-03-03T07:50:54-05:00March 3rd, 2023|

Should You Hire Someone Who Is Overqualified?

You're looking at the resume of a candidate who checks all your boxes. And then some. “Tim, that candidate sounds amazing,” I hear. “But we think they are overqualified.” The answer obviously depends on the case. But there IS a case for hiring someone who, on the surface, seems overqualified for a job. While it’s easy for the hiring manager to worry that [...]

2023-03-02T08:08:17-05:00March 2nd, 2023|

It’s Not An Office, It’s a Hub

How do you feel about going to the office? Now that fewer people are keen to work in an office, Audible, for one, has decided… …not to call it the “office.” The audio entertainment company prefers the term “hubs” to describe where its global employees work. To be fair, the hubs aren’t traditional offices at all. Audible hubs are places for employees to [...]

2023-03-01T07:25:47-05:00March 1st, 2023|
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