Orlando recruiter

Ghosting Coasting on Halloween

Happy Halloween! Out of deference to today's "holiday" we will discuss a related spooky topic - Ghosting Coasting. (huh?) Ghosting coasting: An activity that’s become rampant in this volatile job market, where under-qualified candidates, brought on by desperate companies, disappear before they can be fired for their poor performance. The term is most often used in the restaurant industry, where a serious dearth [...]

2022-10-31T08:22:51-04:00October 31st, 2022|

Employee Development at the Heart of Retention

How well do you prepare & develop your employees to progress in their careers? A recent survey by management consulting firm McKinsey found that about 40% of people who are currently employed are dissatisfied in their current job and are considering a switch in roles in the coming months. The biggest reason? It’s not money. Nor is it flexibility to work from home. [...]

2022-10-26T11:25:33-04:00October 26th, 2022|

The Case for Texting vs Calling

“Tim, we’d like to let you know we’ll be sending over an offer this afternoon.” If you’ve been in the hiring world for long enough, you probably have an ingrained belief that a phone call is far more personal and professional than a message. But that mentality is a bit, well, old fashioned these days. Never mind the fact that most people won't [...]

2022-10-24T08:46:51-04:00October 24th, 2022|

Why the Last Question Matters

The interview is winding down. It was a good conversation. Then - “So Tim, any last questions?” You’re in a high-stakes interview, and your inclination is to be agreeable: “Nope, I’m all set!” But that could be a mistake. The opportunity to ask one last question isn’t just good etiquette; it may be a test. The interviewer wants to find out if you’ve [...]

2022-10-19T08:32:08-04:00October 19th, 2022|

Interview Excitement vs Anxiety

"Calm down. Try to relax and focus going into this interview." That's pretty common advice given to many job seekers. Turns out, that may not be good advice. Anyone who has spent any time in athletics knows that the sensations experienced by anxiety and excitement are almost identical. This is why I've always coached my candidates to realize this and turn their anxiety [...]

2022-10-18T08:00:04-04:00October 18th, 2022|

What Employees Hate About Their Employers

Want to know what people hate the most about the companies they work for? Trust me, YOU DO — if you want to hang onto your talent. According to a Pew Research Center of 2,003 working Americans, workers were less satisfied with their jobs today than a little over two decades ago. In 1989, 43 percent of workers 50 & older said they [...]

2022-10-17T07:58:17-04:00October 17th, 2022|

HR in the Modern Company

Just how important is #HR in 2022 and beyond? HR used to be seen as more or less an administrative function within organizations, but a few things have conspired to change this. First, the pandemic made the job of HR departments incredibly important in order to regroup, reorient, retrain and relocate teams. Then, the talent crunch got even crunchier, and the competition to [...]

2022-10-13T08:42:00-04:00October 13th, 2022|

Retail Automation Surging Too Fast for Customers?

There are two types of people: full-service diehards and self-checkout enthusiasts. But if you've been to the grocery store lately, you've maybe noticed more self-checkout than ever. You've got the labor shortage to thank (or complain about, as most shoppers seem to be of the full-service mindset). Self-checkout use has doubled since the pandemic's start and made up 30% of all grocery transactions [...]

2022-10-12T08:24:49-04:00October 12th, 2022|

What New Worker Shortage?

“What new worker shortage?” This is the question you might get from a typical small business owner when asked how they’re coping with the sudden lack of candidates for open jobs. For a lot of these companies, it’s ALWAYS been hard to hire. So what can bigger businesses learn from small businesses who’ve had to be scrappy in the fact of hiring shortages? [...]

2022-10-11T07:53:57-04:00October 11th, 2022|

Manners Matter

So - where have all the manners gone? There used to be a certain decorum to the job hunt. It involved cover letters with respectable fonts and graciously crafted thank-you notes, or at least emails. Some hiring managers I speak with bemoan the loss of these little formalities among the candidates they see, while others don’t think they were ever important, to begin [...]

2022-10-10T07:29:13-04:00October 10th, 2022|
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