orlando accounting jobs

Making Your Employer Brand Stand Out

Where 10 or 15 years ago, employers focused on attracting employees with “perks,” today, companies are focused on using their “employer brand” to grab talent. But while onsite yoga classes and free espresso were relatively easy perks to procure and explain, employer brand is a much larger concept that’s harder to explain and control. As a recruiter, I like the way Harvard Business [...]

2022-03-23T08:36:22-04:00March 23rd, 2022|

Welcoming Your People Back to Work

Excited about being back to in-office work? A lot of the leaders I work with in my role are. But not everyone shares your enthusiasm. With social distancing mandates ending, people are returning to the physical office in droves. But there’s an underlying anxiety for those who aren’t enthusiastic about sharing air again. How can you, as a leader, put their minds at [...]

2022-03-22T07:11:46-04:00March 22nd, 2022|

How Are Your Managers?

Your leadership may be impeccable — or at least, pretty good! — but how are your managers? A recent report cited by Human Resources Director says 82% would be inclined to quit their job because of a bad manager right now. This is true across sectors, too, from healthcare to insurance to finance. If your management team displays any of the following traits, think about whether [...]

2022-03-21T06:44:55-04:00March 21st, 2022|

Preventing Memory Decline with Exercise

New research from University of Pittsburgh psychologists shows that older adults may be able to prevent cognitive decline by regular exercise. Previously, there had been some connection shown between exercise that gets the heart pumping and brain health, but results had been mixed and unspecific. This time, researchers were able to combine data from 36 studies with specific criteria, and focus on one [...]

2022-03-17T06:51:36-04:00March 17th, 2022|

If you’re in the business world at all, you’re probably hearing the word “authenticity” a lot lately. It’s become one of the biggest buzzwords in business. Marketing has to be authentic. Sales pitches have to be authentic. Products have to be authentic. Leadership is under pressure to be authentic. But when it comes to leaders, being authentic might not always be the wisest [...]

2022-03-16T08:19:32-04:00March 16th, 2022|

Interview Process – When to Bring up your Non-Negotiables

While you’re interviewing for new jobs, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. I often suggest that job seekers separate their needs into two different lists: 1) Nice to haves 2) Non-negotiables While nice-to-haves might include things like your perfect schedule or full-time remote work, for the right job, you’d be willing to compromise on them. But non-negotiables are the things you [...]

2022-03-15T07:06:34-04:00March 15th, 2022|

Considering a Job Offer

It’s been a slog, this job search. And you’ve finally gotten an offer from a company you’ve had your eyes on. But hold up! Before you accept it, take some time to think it over. It can be easy to react from a place of fear: “What if this is the best or only offer I get? I need a job!” As a [...]

2022-03-14T06:52:23-04:00March 14th, 2022|

Hiring Content Strategy

We’re all stalking each other all the time. Just as hiring managers check the social media accounts of potential hires before they extend an offer, those seeking jobs are quick to check out the online presence of a company under consideration. That’s why so many of the companies I work with at Norstrem Associates proactively market their worth as employers online. Here are [...]

2022-03-11T06:57:04-05:00March 11th, 2022|

Creating Better Cover Letter Openers

“Tim, do you have a template I can use for cover letters?” I can’t tell you how often I have heard this question, and the answer is, not really — because I firmly believe cover letters should be original and authentic. Yes, there are common things. All cover letters should explicitly name the role you’re hoping to get, why you’re the right choice, and [...]

2022-03-10T07:04:47-05:00March 10th, 2022|

Reinventing the Freight Train

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make progress. But what about the freight train? Founded by 3 former SpaceX engineers, start-up company Parallel Systems’ goal is to do just that. By modernizing freight trains, they hope to transport more goods by rail (and less by highway trucks) to combat pollution levels. To do that, they’re essentially reinventing freight trains as autonomous, [...]

2022-03-09T07:18:45-05:00March 9th, 2022|
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