job search

How much time should I take off between jobs?

“How much time can I get away with taking off between jobs?” This is a question I frequently hear in my role as Executive Recruiter. No doubt you’ll get a different answer depending on whom you ask, but in my opinion, changing jobs is the perfect time to take some much-needed time off. We’ve all been working harder and longer and under much [...]

2022-01-07T07:17:58-05:00January 7th, 2022|

Considering a Career Change? 3 Steps to Consider Before Beginning

How to Begin a Successful Career Change Changing careers is comparable to changing jobs…times ten. There’s the excitement that comes along with beginning any new journey and the fear of diving into uncharted territory. You know you are ready for a major shift but you may not be sure exactly where to begin. Something about your current career path is unfulfilling. Perhaps it’s [...]

2018-07-16T08:56:56-04:00July 16th, 2018|

Negotiating Salary with a New Employer

Negotiating Salary with a New Employer In considering a new position compensation is a very important piece. You know the experience and value you bring and should not be afraid to quantify it. Your future employer will likely have a similar thought process. With budget constraints, established pay ranges, internal equity, salary bands, etc., employers are very aware of what they can afford [...]

2018-07-01T17:47:35-04:00July 1st, 2018|

How to Handle Multiple Job Offers

How To Handle Multiple Job Offers When job hunting, you are more likely to be prepared to accept an offer than reject one. But what happens when you receive multiple job offers? Many candidates don’t consider this possibility beforehand and in turn do not equip themselves with the information they need to make this decision successfully. Knowing what to do in the event [...]

2018-06-19T10:12:07-04:00June 19th, 2018|

Tips for Selecting a Recruiter

How To Effectively Work With a Recruiter   Accounting and finance professionals are in high demand. If you have an online account with any professional networking site, i.e., LinkedIn, the chances that numerous recruiters have been reaching out to you about open positions you qualify for are extremely high. In today’s job market, this sounds like a good problem to have. However, sometimes, [...]

2018-06-15T09:24:14-04:00June 15th, 2018|

Networking for Certified Public Accountants

Central Florida has a number of job opportunities for certified public accountants but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have the same odds as others in securing your ideal role. After the recession of 2008, companies are finding that people are working harder to keep their jobs. Productivity has skyrocketed. The applicant pools for most positions have never been deeper including both internal and [...]

2018-04-23T16:35:38-04:00April 22nd, 2018|

Resume Submissions: The Black Hole

You are a high performing executive or director level professional and you have been applying for numerous jobs at online sites and through company websites. You have heard nothing back. How can that be? There are thousands if not millions of books and articles written on the topic of resume writing and submission. While there are no magic bullets and no way to [...]

2018-04-22T11:10:10-04:00April 4th, 2018|

Quick Tips: Starting Your Job Search

The process of finding your next great adventure can be daunting. You have spent your career becoming an expert at your discipline within your industry. CPAs and financial professionals especially find themselves in this position. With a task oriented personality many CPAs tend to deal with current issues rather than laying the groundwork for future potential opportunities. Many times per week if not [...]

2018-04-23T16:23:49-04:00March 4th, 2018|
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