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If you’re in the business world at all, you’re probably hearing the word “authenticity” a lot lately. It’s become one of the biggest buzzwords in business. Marketing has to be authentic. Sales pitches have to be authentic. Products have to be authentic. Leadership is under pressure to be authentic. But when it comes to leaders, being authentic might not always be the wisest [...]

2022-03-16T08:19:32-04:00March 16th, 2022|

Virtual Town Hall Goes Down in Flames

After Peloton announced layoffs of 20% of its corporate workforce, a wise move would have been to make sure those folks didn’t have access to virtual meetings anymore. Sadly, as you’ve probably read in the news, this task was overlooked. When brand-new CEO Barry McCarthy and former CEO John Foley got on the screen for a virtual all-hands in February, many PO’ed current [...]

2022-03-07T06:42:07-05:00March 7th, 2022|

Giving Employees the Skills They Need

97% of employees would learn a new skill if given the opportunity, according to a recent Gartner report. And that’s good, because Gartner also reports that the number of skills required for any particular job is increasing by the year. A tech job that once required 15 skills might now call for 20 or more. As employees are expected to know more and [...]

2022-01-12T08:09:40-05:00January 12th, 2022|
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