florida accounting jobs

Virtual Town Hall Goes Down in Flames

After Peloton announced layoffs of 20% of its corporate workforce, a wise move would have been to make sure those folks didn’t have access to virtual meetings anymore. Sadly, as you’ve probably read in the news, this task was overlooked. When brand-new CEO Barry McCarthy and former CEO John Foley got on the screen for a virtual all-hands in February, many PO’ed current [...]

2022-03-07T06:42:07-05:00March 7th, 2022|

Comparison – Selecting Crypto to Picking Your Next Employer

If you pick which crypto to invest in based on what’s trending, you might want to rethink your strategy. Recent studies show more than 50 million Americans may purchase crypto soon. Choosing by popularity is bound to be… well, popular. But popularity really doesn’t correlate with underlying value. What does? •Technology behind the coins •Circulation volume •Real world utility And while you’re at [...]

2022-02-23T08:17:41-05:00February 23rd, 2022|

Reconsidering a Shorter Work Week

Who decided the work week has to be 5 days and 40 hours? This is a topic I’ve brought up in past posts. Recently, I came across a fantastic, in-depth non-profit report on the shift to a shorter work week in Iceland. You don’t have time to read it, so I’ve isolated two key takeaways for you. 👉   Reducing the workday to just [...]

2022-02-18T06:59:33-05:00February 18th, 2022|

Onsites are the new Offsites

Remember offsites, those annual gatherings to get the team together for high-level strategy and planning work — not to mention extreme team-bonding activities? Now, in the hybrid era, when people aren’t always in the office — if ever — offsites are turning into onsites. As Erica Keswin describes it in Harvard Business Review: “Professional development is critical to stemming the tide of the Great [...]

2022-02-17T07:04:37-05:00February 17th, 2022|

Conducting Effective Interviews

If you’re new to hiring, you probably wish someone had just given you a playbook. Or at least a primer. That’s unlikely to have happened. So before you step into your first interview, make sure you've got a strategy for what you want to learn (i.e. behavioral vs competency vs stress type interview). Instead of "winging it" make certain you’re prepared with the [...]

2022-02-16T07:05:44-05:00February 16th, 2022|

Innovation & Company Culture

The topic of culture arises in nearly every conversation I am having with both clients and candidates. That said - culture comes from the top, as they say, and so does innovation. For a lot of leaders I talk to in my role as Executive Recruiter, innovation is a critical characteristic for their companies. And without a strong leader in the CEO position [...]

2022-01-27T08:22:24-05:00January 27th, 2022|
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