Finance recruiter

Managing Conflict in a Leadership Role

“One of the most difficult challenges leaders of all organizations face is managing diverse perspectives.” I grabbed this from a recent Harvard Business Review piece. Frankly, it could have been written by just about any of the organizational leaders I work with these days. We all know that having people on a team with different viewpoints is healthy and lends itself to diversity [...]

2022-03-02T08:09:31-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

HR Trends in 2022

More than perhaps any other line of business, HR folks have had to adapt in the last few years. As we round the bend into year three of the pandemic moving towards an endemic stage, what does this look like? According to HR Dive, there are a few big trends happening right now: 🔹 Workplace and workstyle flexibility are now the normal mode for [...]

2022-02-15T07:38:54-05:00February 15th, 2022|

Responding to Recruiters

In the flow of your busy day, you get a LinkedIn notification that someone has InMail messaged you. It’s a message from a recruiter you do not know. “Yeah right,” you think. “I’ll get to that after I clear my inbox, catch up on Slack, and sit through all these Zooms.” You never get to it. If you’re not even looking to change [...]

2022-02-09T08:03:30-05:00February 9th, 2022|

Best Jobs in 2022

What are the best jobs in 2022? It depends how you’re measuring. US News and World Report doesn’t hesitate to rank healthcare roles the highest. When listing their “100 Best Jobs” across industries, healthcare roles constitute four out of ten, with nurse practitioner as the very most desirous healthcare job. Above that? Information security analyst, a job I’m not surprised to see in [...]

2022-02-08T07:22:13-05:00February 8th, 2022|

Workplace Happiness in 2022

There’s always a lot of negative if not downright scary news to ponder. But occasionally you’ll find a nugget of positivity in there, if you look hard enough. Here’s one such nugget: Heading into the early part of 2022, 74% of people claim they feel like they have control over their professional lives. Part of this, of course, is because the war for [...]

2022-02-07T08:14:52-05:00February 7th, 2022|

Social Commerce in Recruiting

  When it comes to shopping on social media, I prefer things to be a little less sponsored, a little more… social. Brands are increasingly using social media platforms to sell products and services. And shoppers love that social selling experience, with 80 million social media buyers in 2020 alone! Why? It comes down to relatability or friendliness—that genuine feeling that comes with [...]

2022-01-31T06:40:50-05:00January 31st, 2022|

Promoting Worker Well Being

Want to know how your employees are feeling? Just look at them. Oh wait, you can’t look at them because you’re all working remotely? This has been the conundrum of a lot of leaders in the last year or two. And they — and perhaps you — have come up with plenty of new techniques for gauging both worker wellbeing and productivity. Things like: ✔️  Creating [...]

2022-01-20T07:14:21-05:00January 20th, 2022|

Hiring Based on Behavior vs a Resume

  “Tim, can you shoot me over some resumes?” This is a question I field frequently from hiring managers and HR teams in my role as a recruiter. They’re looking to me to save them time, so I do the initial recruiting to find the best possible candidates. How do I present my top choices? With a resume. But while a resume is [...]

2022-01-18T07:00:27-05:00January 18th, 2022|

Don’t Be a Jack of All Trades

The human instinct is to try to be good at as many things as possible. Seemingly, Ambitious, type-A people can do it all. They’re good with technology, they’re fearless leaders, they display acute emotional intelligence, and they run marathons and perform concertos on the weekends. Right? Wrong. The truth is often that being really, really good at one or two things is enough [...]

2022-01-13T07:59:16-05:00January 13th, 2022|

Including Quantifiable Metrics on Your Resume

Like they all say, your resume should tout all your achievements. Lead with success stories. But what if your measure of success has just been being really good at your day-to-day job? How to make that stand out on a resume? The best line of defense — or is it offense? —is always quantifiable metrics. Any numbers you can provide as evidence to your skills [...]

2022-01-11T07:27:29-05:00January 11th, 2022|
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