executive recruiter

Interview Processes Are Getting Longer

🌟 Is the interview process starting to feel like an endless maze? 🤔 Stories are (once again) popping up about overextended hiring processes. A candidate told me this week about being in step 8 😮of an interview process wondering if they should withdraw. Sorry – with 30 years of recruiting experience - I feel pretty comfortable saying that any interview process that’s 8 [...]

2023-07-19T07:53:19-04:00July 19th, 2023|

How to Approach a Lowball Salary Offer

Ready for your offer? 💼💸 You’ve made it down to the final stages of interview for what you believe is your dream job! Everything is pointing towards a great match – and then – you get a lowball offer. Ugh. Before you write this one off, let's explore how you can be prepared and handle it with confidence. 📉 First, it's crucial to [...]

2023-07-18T08:26:55-04:00July 18th, 2023|

Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy at Work

A healthy mind and body are key ingredients for a successful and fulfilling career. There’s no doubt about that It's time to put your well-being first! Here are some science-backed tips to help you thrive at work: 1️⃣ Move your body! Yea I’m a gym rat but we all know that incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can increase productivity, reduce stress, [...]

2023-07-13T08:38:44-04:00July 13th, 2023|

What is Resenteeism?

📢🤪 We’ve got a new workplace buzzword. Wondering who dreams all these up? 🌪️ Let me introduce "resenteeism" to your work vocabulary! 🙅‍♂️📅 According to a recent article in AllWork.Space, this bothersome phenomenon has been irking employees in 2023. It seems that the era of presenteeism (as discussed in a previous post, showing up physically but mentally checked out) has evolved into a [...]

2023-07-11T08:40:50-04:00July 11th, 2023|

Can AI Do All Your Emailing for You?

Another week. Another new workplace term. Here's one delivered to us courtesy of Chat GPT and AI: "Chatfishing". Now - here's the story behind it. Since AI became the greatest thing since, well, sliced bread, we hear nothing but buzz from peers, colleagues, and headlines. People are keen to shed their most drudgerous duties and assign them to a robot. That was the [...]

2023-06-06T08:21:31-04:00June 6th, 2023|

Upskilling and Reskilling in 2023 and Beyond

As we move further into the future, the need for upskilling and reskilling in the workforce becomes increasingly important. In 2023, we are faced with the reality of a #warfortalent, where employers are competing for a limited pool of skilled workers. This is where upskilling and reskilling come in - not only do they benefit employees in their career growth, but they also [...]

2023-05-12T09:17:59-04:00May 10th, 2023|

AI to Predict Turnover in the Workplace

How can we use AI to predict turnover in our workforce? The HR folks are now saying that AI-based “predictive attrition” tools could help predict who is going to quit their job in the very near future. These kinds of tools analyze data points such as public salary information, turnover rates in a specific field or role, economic trends, and more to forecast [...]

2023-04-24T07:43:16-04:00April 24th, 2023|

Reinventing the Freight Train

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make progress. But what about the freight train? Founded by 3 former SpaceX engineers, start-up company Parallel Systems’ goal is to do just that. By modernizing freight trains, they hope to transport more goods by rail (and less by highway trucks) to combat pollution levels. To do that, they’re essentially reinventing freight trains as autonomous, [...]

2022-03-09T07:18:45-05:00March 9th, 2022|

Fostering Better Organizational Culture

Do people like working at your company? Organizational culture is critical to HR success, and something a lot of companies struggle to define. But it’s one of the first things job seekers ask about. Especially in a time when they have a lot of choices, as a recruiter, I can attest: They’re choosy about their work environment — even if they’re working remotely. When [...]

2022-03-03T08:06:26-05:00March 3rd, 2022|

Workplace Wellness as a Critical Employment Metric

Among the trends Harvard Business Review called out for 2022, the one that really caught my eye was “wellness as the newest metric companies will use to understand their employees.” Wellness as a concept has arguably always been important, but in business, it’s not officially important until it reaches the level of having its own metrics. And after two years of a pandemic, [...]

2022-02-21T07:45:36-05:00February 21st, 2022|
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