controller recruiter

Responding to Recruiters

In the flow of your busy day, you get a LinkedIn notification that someone has InMail messaged you. It’s a message from a recruiter you do not know. “Yeah right,” you think. “I’ll get to that after I clear my inbox, catch up on Slack, and sit through all these Zooms.” You never get to it. If you’re not even looking to change [...]

2022-02-09T08:03:30-05:00February 9th, 2022|

Update on the Great Resignation

If you’re a leader, you’re probably as tired of hearing about this subject as can possibly be, but it’s true: The Great Resignation continues. In November, we reached another apex: 4.5M people quit their jobs that month. On the other hand, according to a Tweet by Heidi Shierholz, president of the Economic Policy Institute: “4.5 million people quit, but *6.7 million* people were [...]

2022-02-03T07:27:07-05:00February 3rd, 2022|
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