career change

Signs Your Company is for Sale

Signs Your Company is for Sale and What That Means for You News that the company you work for is being sold can come off as quite a shock. And what’s paralyzing about the experience is usually the timing. Companies don’t traditionally inform employees who will not play a leading role during the transition until closer to the end of the process. This [...]

2018-07-23T08:21:08-04:00July 23rd, 2018|

5 Mistakes in Managing Your Student Loans

5 Mistakes in Managing Student Loan Debt guest post by Genevieve Dobson The first step to taking control of your student loan debt is acknowledging that it exists. If you’re allowing your student loan bills to pile up and collect dust, thinking they will eventually go away, you will never gain control over your finances. Fortunately, there are plenty of valuable resources available [...]

2018-07-19T17:45:46-04:00July 19th, 2018|

Considering a Career Change? 3 Steps to Consider Before Beginning

How to Begin a Successful Career Change Changing careers is comparable to changing jobs…times ten. There’s the excitement that comes along with beginning any new journey and the fear of diving into uncharted territory. You know you are ready for a major shift but you may not be sure exactly where to begin. Something about your current career path is unfulfilling. Perhaps it’s [...]

2018-07-16T08:56:56-04:00July 16th, 2018|

Should I Work for a Startup Company?

Thoughts to Ponder when Considering Working for a Startup  Accepting a position at a startup could be an exciting decision that will change your career. Because of the new concepts and fresh approaches startup companies typically bring to the market, they provide an opportunity for you to make a lasting impact on an organization. Year after year startups find themselves in desperate need [...]

2018-07-12T17:54:04-04:00July 12th, 2018|

Negotiating Salary with a New Employer

Negotiating Salary with a New Employer In considering a new position compensation is a very important piece. You know the experience and value you bring and should not be afraid to quantify it. Your future employer will likely have a similar thought process. With budget constraints, established pay ranges, internal equity, salary bands, etc., employers are very aware of what they can afford [...]

2018-07-01T17:47:35-04:00July 1st, 2018|

How to Handle Multiple Job Offers

How To Handle Multiple Job Offers When job hunting, you are more likely to be prepared to accept an offer than reject one. But what happens when you receive multiple job offers? Many candidates don’t consider this possibility beforehand and in turn do not equip themselves with the information they need to make this decision successfully. Knowing what to do in the event [...]

2018-06-19T10:12:07-04:00June 19th, 2018|

Tips for Selecting a Recruiter

How To Effectively Work With a Recruiter   Accounting and finance professionals are in high demand. If you have an online account with any professional networking site, i.e., LinkedIn, the chances that numerous recruiters have been reaching out to you about open positions you qualify for are extremely high. In today’s job market, this sounds like a good problem to have. However, sometimes, [...]

2018-06-15T09:24:14-04:00June 15th, 2018|

How to Move Your Career Forward

Feeling stuck in your career?   Do you ever ask yourself, “Am I stuck in my career?” It’s a legitimate question that can trouble even the most experienced managers. And while some have reached a point in which they have hit a glass ceiling, many others have not. There are a number of factors to consider prior to drawing any solid conclusions about [...]

2018-06-11T09:21:59-04:00June 11th, 2018|

How To Resign Professionally With 5 Simple Strategies

Tips For a Smooth Resignation The decision to resign from a job is not always an easy one. Maybe you received a better job offer. Perhaps you are not being fulfilled in your current position. Or maybe you are just ready for a change. Regardless of the reason, the resignation process can be daunting, and employees who do not handle it appropriately can [...]

2018-05-18T16:49:18-04:00May 18th, 2018|
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