career change

Springtime & the Great Rust Out

How are you feeling this time of year? Renewed? Refreshed? Spring is at long last upon us, and with it, that itchiness to get out from behind a desk and get out to do something fun. But not everyone has that get-up-and-go feeling going on. A lot of people these days are feeling bored, stagnant and very nearly dreary in their jobs. It’s [...]

2023-03-27T07:45:55-04:00March 27th, 2023|

How to Function in Today’s Hustle Culture

Is Hustle Culture Dead? Or thriving? You can find debate on this topic with ample discussion on both sides as well as right down the middle. From the Great Resignation to quiet quitting, we’ve seen a lot of terms being coined that essentially point to the same same question: Are people seeing return – spiritually, professionally and personally – from the Rise and [...]

2023-03-24T08:45:11-04:00March 24th, 2023|

Most Sought After Skill On LinkedIn

What are employers looking for in candidates in 2023? LinkedIn’s “insider look” at the most sought-after skills is out, and the top skill this year is one that ChatGPT will probably never be very good at: managing people. Frankly I view management as a subset of leadership. Many “managers” fail as a result of not knowing how or failing to lead. Hovering over [...]

2023-03-23T08:59:33-04:00March 23rd, 2023|

Disability Benefits Based on Antiquated Jobs

When you think of government agencies, do you think of "cutting edge"? Not too many folks think “modern” when they think of the Social Security Administration, but still, one would hope they’re at least in this century. Not so much, according to a recent Washington Post headline, which claims that the agency approves or denies disability benefits based on a list that hasn’t [...]

2023-03-22T08:23:15-04:00March 22nd, 2023|

Does Every Company Need a Chief AI Officer?

CAIO – it’s not just a greeting any longer! The topic at hand is the addition of a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer to executive leadership teams. Given wide AI capabilities, the CAIO won’t be limited to just tech companies. Fast Company predicts that CAIOs will be needed in retailers, financial services & banking, as well as manufacturing companies and multi-industry corporate conglomerates. After [...]

2023-03-21T08:11:32-04:00March 21st, 2023|

Considering a New Career?

“Tim, I don’t know what I want to do to, but I don’t want THIS job.” For people who are discontent in their jobs or careers, but not clear on which direction to go in, the future can seem daunting. You may have an inkling of what you want to do, but you’re not yet ready to commit to a full pivot. And [...]

2022-04-04T08:33:41-04:00April 4th, 2022|

Update on the Great Resignation

If you’re a leader, you’re probably as tired of hearing about this subject as can possibly be, but it’s true: The Great Resignation continues. In November, we reached another apex: 4.5M people quit their jobs that month. On the other hand, according to a Tweet by Heidi Shierholz, president of the Economic Policy Institute: “4.5 million people quit, but *6.7 million* people were [...]

2022-02-03T07:27:07-05:00February 3rd, 2022|

Reinventing Corporate Culture

Is It Time to Reinvent the Culture in Your Workplace? A positive company culture is one of the driving forces behind many successful companies. If your company employs this philosophy you’ve probably noticed significant employee engagement, high retention rates, quality talent and financial success to name a few. However, if these areas are major challenges for your company, it’s worth taking some time [...]

2018-10-05T11:36:40-04:00October 5th, 2018|

Resume Writing Tips for C-level Executives

How to Write a C-Suite Resume that Stands Out When is the last time you updated your resume? 6 weeks ago? 6 months? 6 years? As a senior executive it wouldn’t be uncommon for you to omit this from your list of top priorities. You’ve spent years proving your value and working your way up the corporate ladder so you might believe your [...]

2018-09-28T15:31:51-04:00September 28th, 2018|

Is There a Typical Commute in 2018?

To Commute or Not to Commute? That is the Question Commuting hasn’t yet made it to any Florida city’s list of desired attractions or activities, but perceptions of it are changing. Long commutes were once either avoided altogether or reluctantly accepted as a necessary evil. However with the rise in technology, heightened environmental concerns and more open-mindedness towards employee flexibility, workers from corporate [...]

2018-07-27T09:46:47-04:00July 27th, 2018|
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