Simplifying the Hiring Process

The hiring process at many companies is far too complicated, and I get why. You want to make sure you’re hiring the right people. Onboarding new hires is expensive, after all.

But the fear of making a mistake in hiring has overly complicated the process for many companies today.

For instance, in cross-functional organizations where a new hire will work with many different teams, it’s become common for multiple rounds of interviews to give each stakeholder a shot at interviewing every potential hire. It’s dizzying for job seekers, and inefficient for companies. It is very common for these companies to miss out on talented hires.

Harvard Business Review calls it “recruitment bureaucracy.” I call it “hiring prevention”.

Particularly for companies that work with recruiters like those of us at Norstrem Associates, letting an outside firm first vet appropriate candidates grants a degree of peace of mind so that the actual interviewing process can be less drawn out.

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