Remote Jobs May Attract More Candidates

According to ZipRecruiter, jobs listed as “remote” get 300% more applicants than those that aren’t. Some say “the idea of a full return is dead.” And according to Ladders, the number of permanent remote positions doubled in 2021.

I certainly hear this sentiment from certain clients as well. But while it might be true as a general statement across all industries and types of desk-based roles, it’s not true for every job, every company, and every job seeker.

For every statistic you find singing praises to the remote work life, there’s another one proving that people still want to go into the office and connect with other people.

Which is why, instead of paying strict attention to the trends and numbers, your policies should reflect your specific company needs and culture.

What do YOUR employees want? And what can your business/department/position take and still grow or move forward? It’s a formula only you can figure out.

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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