How is that new position going for you?

When you got this job, it was sold to you as the answer to your career dreams. You walked into your first day expecting to change lives and feel completely fulfilled by your role.

According to Kathryn Minshew – CEO of The Muse – the term for this is shift shock. Look out! Another new term.

A 2022 study performed by The Muse, found that 72% of jobseekers say they’ve started a new job and felt a sense of surprise or regret that the role or company was very different from what they were led to believe.

But here we are, and things haven’t turned out quite as you had planned. The job was oversold to you, or the duties are different, or you’ve been assigned to a different supervisor and you’re not digging it.

I can help. As a recruiter for 25+ years, I really get the importance of finding the right fit — and feeling like you can trust a job description. Drop me a note for help finding something more in line with your expectations.

#career #jobchanges #shiftshock

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