Interview Process – When to Bring up your Non-Negotiables

While you’re interviewing for new jobs, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. I often suggest that job seekers separate their needs into two different lists:

1) Nice to haves

2) Non-negotiables

While nice-to-haves might include things like your perfect schedule or full-time remote work, for the right job, you’d be willing to compromise on them.

But non-negotiables are the things you don’t want to bend on, at all. For instance, if the ability to pick up your kids from school is table stakes for you, this is important to divulge upfront.

The best time to talk about non-negotiables is during an interview. Waiting until the offer process might seem disingenuous to a hiring manager who’s already invested plenty of time in the process.

That said, if you’re ever unsure when to bring up what, give me a shout. I would be delighted to talk through the process with you.

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