Like they all say, your resume should tout all your achievements. Lead with success stories.

But what if your measure of success has just been being really good at your day-to-day job? How to make that stand out on a resume?

The best line of defense — or is it offense? —is always quantifiable metrics. Any numbers you can provide as evidence to your skills and talents are great. Do you consistently meet sales quotas? Have your marketing efforts grown mailing list numbers or social media engagement? Have you successfully grown your team over the last several years?

It can sometimes take some sleuthing to find those numbers, but think about things like:

🟢  Money saved

🟢  Time saved

🟢  Tasks streamlined

🟢  Growth of your company or team

🟢  People you’ve promoted

🟢  Clients you’ve brought on

🟢  Vendors you’ve negotiated with to save the company money

These are just a handful of examples, and are often referred to as made/saved/achieved’s. Use your expanded imagination, and don’t be afraid to run your ideas by another set of eyes like those of a recruiter.

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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