How to Handle a Burnout Break

Burnout has been a dominant emotion for a lot of people over the last year or so, and it has become a “thing” to take a sabbatical from work — or even a break between jobs.

You owe it to yourself to make sure your time off is time well spent. For some people, that means exploring new career options and learning more about themselves while on hiatus.

For instance, maybe you:

💡 Spend time every morning reading an article or pursuing a professional group on LinkedIn

💡 Reach out to old colleagues, mentors, and friends to put in motion some casual networking

💡 Go for long walks or find reflection time to sort through the miasma of options in your mind

However you approach your time off, make it productive for your career and your well-being.

When you’re ready to dive back into the working world with a focused approach, give me a shout or drop me a note. I’ll be happy to help you find your next big career opportunity.

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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