How People Are Dressing For Work Today

Power casual. Business comfort. Workleisure. Business Florida. All terms floating around to describe how people are dressing for work these days — when they actually go into an office, that is.

Perhaps it’s the year-plus spent working from home in sweats, but people aren’t nearly as likely to don fancy shoes and starched cuffs anymore.

This isn’t just a trend reflected in the meeting room, either. It’s having an actual impact on retail sales, with apparel sales way up in the last year, particularly for things like denim and sneakers, according to the New York Times, which also reports that dress footwear sales declined 34%.

When it comes to job interviews, however, conservatism still reigns. It’s always a good idea to dress up for an interview, whether it’s in person or over Zoom.

As a recruiter for 25+ years, I’ve seen business fashion shift and morph, but presenting a professional exterior at an interview will never go out of style.

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