Most people like their jobs — at least, they like who they work with.

But ask them if they feel like they are getting paid enough and have enough upward mobility…

According to Pew Research Center, while 67% of people feel extremely satisfied with their relationships with co-workers, only 33% feel they have opportunities for promotion at work, and 1% more — 34% — feel they’re getting paid enough. As for day-to-day work, roughly half are satisfied with the grind.

The further down the generational spectrum you get, the worse it seems. Older workers are the happiest about their jobs, while only 44% of those in the 18-29 age bracket are happy.

As a recruiter and career coach in talking with candidates, my first questions always have been: 1) Do you like what you do? 2) Do you like your team? 3) Are they paying you fairly? 4) Do you want/have a future there? If you can say yes to all four of these, you’re in the right place and well on your way. Three of four and there is a high likelihood you can make it your dream job.

On some level, when I read stats like this, the fact that older workers are more satisfied with their jobs makes a lot of sense. Careers still need time to gel early on, and younger professionals are learning by trial and error, to some extent. They are not always exposed to the bigger picture.

Perhaps there are ways to help the 56% of those in the 18-29 y/o age bracket are experiencing some dissatisfaction. Assigning them a mentor, helping to develop technical and leadership skills could help with engagement.

Overall, by investing in their employees and creating a supportive workplace culture, organizations can improve job satisfaction and retention rates for all generations.

#warfortalent #teambuilding #career #employeeengagement

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