How Caffeine Affects Your Psychology

Yes! Your morning coffee boosts alertness. But at what cost? A bunch of recent studies show the good, bad, and… weird(?) ways caffeine impacts our mental health. Since approx. 85% of Americans consume at least one caffeinated beverage each day, let’s look into this!

Good things first! Your cup of caffeine makes you more alert, improves focus levels, and makes you better at problem-solving.

Your memory is probably better, too! Enjoy up to 5 cups a day (seriously!) without harming your health.

Then there’s the bad. The stimulant effect of coffee can make you anxious (duh). It can also possibly make you less creative. Caffeine can actually prevent you from getting to that relaxed, open state—or flow state—that creativity needs to thrive.

What about the weird? Coffee can make you more likely to spend money on nonessentials. So hold your wallet close when indulging! According to a recent study by Dipayan Biswas, professor of marketing at USF, caffeine tends to make people more energized or excited, and this heightened state causes people to be more impulsive shoppers.

Bottom line? Nothing is all good. Or bad. Embrace the weird. Well – if you’re not into weird – then Everything in Moderation.

Sounds a lot like the job market these days.

And like the advice I give to many candidates. I advise them to strike a balance, have patience, and embrace their *unique* qualities.

Need a little guidance to get you going in the right direction? I’m available to chat anytime.

#coffeeaddict #caffeine #rocketfuel

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