We’re all stalking each other all the time.

Just as hiring managers check the social media accounts of potential hires before they extend an offer, those seeking jobs are quick to check out the online presence of a company under consideration.

That’s why so many of the companies I work with at Norstrem Associates proactively market their worth as employers online. Here are a few ways that proactive companies shine their company culture in the best possible light in order to attract top talent:

⚡️  Highlighting new projects, products and other things the talent within your organization gets to work on

⚡️  Posting about career development opportunities

⚡️  Bragging about your awesome benefits and the prioritization of work-life balance within your organization

⚡️  Finding brand ambassadors within your organization to help spread the word online

With all your posting and all your online content, keep in mind that you’re not just selling a product or service. You’re selling a great place to work.

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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