97% of employees would learn a new skill if given the opportunity, according to a recent Gartner report.

And that’s good, because Gartner also reports that the number of skills required for any particular job is increasing by the year. A tech job that once required 15 skills might now call for 20 or more.

As employees are expected to know more and more skills when they get hired into a job, of course, recruiting talent becomes more difficult. And in a time when talent recruitment is not easy to begin with, this puts companies in a bit of a quandary.

For this reason, companies that put a priority on upskilling their employees are at an advantage. And that might seem an odd thing for a recruiter to say, since my job depends on you needing to hire.

However, when I scout candidates for roles at companies we support, I like to be able to tell job seekers they’re interviewing at a company that puts a high price on mentorship, learning and development.

It’s what job seekers want, and it serves your company well, too.

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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