Effective Interview Topics & Questions

Interview questions tend to fall into a few major buckets.

If you’re new to interviewing, making sure you include a question or two from each can ensure you cover your bases when interviewing candidates for open roles.

Getting-to-know-you questions 👉 designed to put the interviewee at ease and tease out their personality and experience. Use this to find commonalities and build a pipeline for communication.

Career history questions 👉 Bonus points if you can get them to talk about things that aren’t on their resume. Made/Saved/Achieved that they haven’t listed.

Company-related questions 👉 to test their knowledge of your company and the open role and assess whether it seems like a good fit. Also – questions about previous employers are fair game. What was going on in the company, not just their department or particular function. Gives you an idea of how engaged this person may be.

It’s also a good idea to ask questions that get at collaboration capability, critical thinking skills, and career development aspirations. Depending on the open role, you may want to probe about leadership style and time-management skills.

There are plenty of resources on the web where you can find a template for asking all these kinds of questions. Or even better, work with a recruiter.

With 30 years of recruiting & experience in hiring, I can help guide you in interviewing and selecting best cultural and technical fits.

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