If you’re new to hiring, you probably wish someone had just given you a playbook. Or at least a primer. That’s unlikely to have happened.
So before you step into your first interview, make sure you’ve got a strategy for what you want to learn (i.e. behavioral vs competency vs stress type interview). Instead of “winging it” make certain you’re prepared with the list of questions you plan to ask each candidate. While there isn’t one exactly right list, there are some categories you’ll most likely want to cover, putting the questions in your own words:
🔹 The candidate’s background and experience
🔹 Why they are looking for a new job
🔹 Why they want this particular job, and what they like about your company
🔹 Where their salary expectations lie
🔹 What skills they are strongest in, and how those skills match this particular job description
And finally, never forget this very important question:
➡️ Do you have any questions for ME?
As many of the hiring managers I work with will attest, it’s important to give the candidate a chance to ask their own questions. A candidate who doesn’t have any could signal a red flag.
Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!
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