Comparison – Selecting Crypto to Picking Your Next Employer

If you pick which crypto to invest in based on what’s trending, you might want to rethink your strategy.

Recent studies show more than 50 million Americans may purchase crypto soon. Choosing by popularity is bound to be… well, popular. But popularity really doesn’t correlate with underlying value. What does?

•Technology behind the coins

•Circulation volume

•Real world utility

And while you’re at it, watch out for scams (there’s less regulation in crypto, after all).

Ultimately, you should be asking yourself what your investing goals are—because they’re unique to you and your situation.

Same with hiring. As a recruiter I realize the most popular place to work won’t always be the best match for every person. When you work with a recruiter, we’re able to work towards facilitating matches with the right company for YOU.

Curious who I’d match you with? Send me a message and we’ll chat!

Ready to discuss the recruiting or job search process? Drop us a note!

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