Companies Wasting Millions on Unused Offices?

Even while a lot of companies insist their full workforces come back to the office, Fast Company reports that Fortune 500s are wasting millions of dollars on physical office space that’s not being used anymore.

In a new study of thousands of workplaces, the metrics company Density found that a huge amount of office space sits empty for a lot of the day — to the tune of $26 million a year. After analyzing more than 2,000 workspaces, the numbers show that offices are sitting empty for more than a third of working hours.

For a lot of the companies I work with as a recruiter, the balance between remote work and in-office mandates is a delicate one that hasn’t totally worked itself out yet. So while they may be paying for unused space, it’s a temporary arrangement.

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds. Will more people come back to work? Or will office space become a devalued commodity?

#remotework #workinghours #workculture

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