Being Gracious Through Career Disappointments

“Got denied by Twitter HQ. That’s ok. Would have been a long commute.”

This is a famous short story by Brian Acton, who may not have gotten that job he wanted at Twitter, but instead went on to co-found WhatsApp, later sold to Facebook for billions.

There’s an obvious point here: What seems like a career disappointment at the time might turn out to be a pivotal juncture in your success story. And there’s another point too, or more accurately, a tip:

Always be gracious when you’re rejected, especially publicly.

As a recruiter, I sometimes see job seekers encounter disappointment in their search, and I also frequently see them later find the right job in a situation that’s an even better fit.

As trite as the old saying is – “Things Happen for a Reason”, sometimes they really do.

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