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So far dhobeika has created 477 blog entries.

Hiring Content Strategy

We’re all stalking each other all the time. Just as hiring managers check the social media accounts of potential hires before they extend an offer, those seeking jobs are quick to check out the online presence of a company under consideration. That’s why so many of the companies I work with at Norstrem Associates proactively market their worth as employers online. Here are [...]

2022-03-11T06:57:04-05:00March 11th, 2022|

Creating Better Cover Letter Openers

“Tim, do you have a template I can use for cover letters?” I can’t tell you how often I have heard this question, and the answer is, not really — because I firmly believe cover letters should be original and authentic. Yes, there are common things. All cover letters should explicitly name the role you’re hoping to get, why you’re the right choice, and [...]

2022-03-10T07:04:47-05:00March 10th, 2022|

Reinventing the Freight Train

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make progress. But what about the freight train? Founded by 3 former SpaceX engineers, start-up company Parallel Systems’ goal is to do just that. By modernizing freight trains, they hope to transport more goods by rail (and less by highway trucks) to combat pollution levels. To do that, they’re essentially reinventing freight trains as autonomous, [...]

2022-03-09T07:18:45-05:00March 9th, 2022|

Scaling is Hard

When Glossier laid off a third of its employees in January, a lot of companies took away a big lesson: Scaling is difficult. CEO Emily Weiss handled the layoffs by telling employees, “We got ahead of ourselves on hiring. Those missteps are on me.” This isn’t the first big layoff for the beauty brand. In 2020, the company shut down its retail stores [...]

2022-03-08T07:15:29-05:00March 8th, 2022|

Virtual Town Hall Goes Down in Flames

After Peloton announced layoffs of 20% of its corporate workforce, a wise move would have been to make sure those folks didn’t have access to virtual meetings anymore. Sadly, as you’ve probably read in the news, this task was overlooked. When brand-new CEO Barry McCarthy and former CEO John Foley got on the screen for a virtual all-hands in February, many PO’ed current [...]

2022-03-07T06:42:07-05:00March 7th, 2022|

Importance of Mentorship

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the charismatic astrophysicist with a Twitter following of 14.5M people, wouldn’t have gotten where he is without Carl Sagan’s mentorship. Fun fact - Sagan tried to recruit Tyson to attend Cornell but since Tyson was an undefeated prep wrestling champ he selected Harvard in order to wrestle and pursue physics. Aristotle, even more legendary, owes a lot of his fame [...]

2022-03-04T07:08:46-05:00March 4th, 2022|

Fostering Better Organizational Culture

Do people like working at your company? Organizational culture is critical to HR success, and something a lot of companies struggle to define. But it’s one of the first things job seekers ask about. Especially in a time when they have a lot of choices, as a recruiter, I can attest: They’re choosy about their work environment — even if they’re working remotely. When [...]

2022-03-03T08:06:26-05:00March 3rd, 2022|

Managing Conflict in a Leadership Role

“One of the most difficult challenges leaders of all organizations face is managing diverse perspectives.” I grabbed this from a recent Harvard Business Review piece. Frankly, it could have been written by just about any of the organizational leaders I work with these days. We all know that having people on a team with different viewpoints is healthy and lends itself to diversity [...]

2022-03-02T08:09:31-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

Update on the Great Resignation

Update on Great Resignation If you’re a leader, you’re probably as tired of hearing about this subject as can possibly be, but it’s true: The Great Resignation continues. In November, we reached another apex: 4.5M people quit their jobs that month. On the other hand, according to a Tweet by Heidi Shierholz president of the Economic Policy Institute. “4.5 million people quit, but [...]

2022-02-28T07:58:17-05:00February 28th, 2022|

Remote Jobs May Attract More Candidates

According to ZipRecruiter, jobs listed as “remote” get 300% more applicants than those that aren’t. Some say “the idea of a full return is dead.” And according to Ladders, the number of permanent remote positions doubled in 2021. I certainly hear this sentiment from certain clients as well. But while it might be true as a general statement across all industries and types [...]

2022-02-24T07:48:03-05:00February 24th, 2022|
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