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So far dhobeika has created 477 blog entries.

Are You an Introvert or Extrovert

Extroverts prefer to come into the office. Introverts prefer working remotely. Right? Not so fast, says Myers-Briggs. The personality experts claim that 82% of extroverts actually prefer a hybrid model — and 15% would like to work remotely all the time! Introverts, on the other hand, prefer to work in the office at least part-time — according to 74% of them. Regardless of your personality [...]

2022-05-19T07:20:30-04:00May 19th, 2022|

Second Thoughts on Great Resignation

1 in 5 people who have quit their jobs during the so-called “Great Resignation” regret it. Really. That’s according to a new Harris Poll survey by USA Today. While many were lured into other jobs by higher salary offers, it seems they often didn’t take other job factors into consideration. 36% surveyed felt they’d lost their work-life balance, and 24% missed their old [...]

2022-05-18T07:35:55-04:00May 18th, 2022|

How to Find a Mentor While Working Remotely

The old paradigm of #mentorship brought to mind an apprentice trailing a seasoned professional around a physical office. But in these hyper-digital days, that model no longer stands. Mentorship is still incredibly powerful as a career boost, but if you’re working remotely, the arrangement has changed. Today, #GenZ professionals entering the workforce approach mentorship in a new way. They reach out to potential [...]

2022-05-16T08:16:32-04:00May 16th, 2022|

Competing in the War for Talent as a Smaller Company

As a smaller company, you may feel daunted by how you can attract and retain the best people. During this time of rampant #jobdisruption, I’ve noticed a few trends that put a company at a hiring advantage. It’s all about the people. 1. Invest in your people. Professional development opportunities are a huge draw for younger workers in particular. Invest particularly in technical [...]

2022-05-12T07:25:30-04:00May 12th, 2022|

Identifying Hidden Talent

A previously untapped talent market that’s getting a lot of positive press these days? The recently unemployed. After a few years of a pandemic turning everything we once thought we knew upside down, hiring managers suddenly recognize that resume gaps may not be a red flag, after all. And this is creating a whole new pool of candidates. In my recent experience as [...]

2022-05-10T07:10:11-04:00May 10th, 2022|

What’s not Experiencing Inflation: Pay Raises

What sounds better to you — a 3% raise or a 30% raise? Curiously enough, despite rampant inflation and the incredibly competitive war for talent, HR Dive reports that many companies aren’t offering competitive pay raises. They might be offering 3%, which in normal times would be a substantial pay increase. But right now, employees can move to another company and make a [...]

2022-05-09T07:06:37-04:00May 9th, 2022|

Mark Cuban Says “Live Like a Student”

Mark Cuban, billionaire and Shark Tank judge, has some advice for you—live like a student. Coming from the top 1%, that might be a tough pill to swallow, and should be taken with a grain of salt. But maybe he has a point. “Consumers should make a conscious choice to avoid overspending and buying things they can’t afford,” says Cuban. And it’s hard [...]

2022-05-05T09:44:16-04:00May 5th, 2022|

Ways to Prep for Job Interviews

Job interviews range from awkward to uncomfortable to terrifying for most people. But like with most experiences, the more practice you get in advance, the less daunting the interview. With that in mind, here are some ways you can “practice” for #jobinterviews before you enter the arena: 💡  Networking events give you an opportunity to make your pitch to other professionals and gain practice [...]

2022-05-04T08:27:13-04:00May 4th, 2022|

Beyond Remote Work

While hybrid and remote work have become symbols progressive employment practices for many companies these days, some leaders don’t think hybrid work is modern enough. Matt Mullenweg, founder and CEO of the tech company Automattic, which runs Wordpress.com, believes in — and practices — asynchronous work. That means the company’s 1800+ employees, who are scattered across 97 countries, are not expected to adhere [...]

2022-05-03T07:24:20-04:00May 3rd, 2022|

Staff Development as Recruiting Tool

86% of professionals would change jobs for better professional development opportunities, according to one recent report. Another from LinkedIn found that professional development opportunities are the number-one way any company can improve its company culture. It seems pretty clear that if retention is on your mind, you’re going to want to assess the #professionaldevelopment opportunities at your company. Not only do professional development [...]

2022-05-02T11:34:47-04:00May 2nd, 2022|
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