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So far dhobeika has created 478 blog entries.

Compensation in the Remote-Work Era

One of biggest headaches for HR when it comes to hiring remote employees is figuring out the right compensation strategy. It’s always been somewhat normal to assess compensation based on the average cost of skilled labor in a particular region and industry. A tech employee in Silicon Valley would typically make more than a tech employee in Central Florida. But what about a [...]

2022-07-25T08:16:05-04:00July 25th, 2022|

Behavioral Interview Questions

Here’s a #jobseeker tip for the day: There are certain questions hiring managers will ask that we call “behavioral questions.” These are the ones designed to suss out how you might act and react on the job. They might sound something like this: “Tell me about a time you resolved conflict at work.” Or: “How do you handle it when you miss a [...]

2022-07-21T07:27:55-04:00July 21st, 2022|

Writing an Effective Thank You Note

A dazzling interview is a step in the process. It does not necessarily close the deal. If you are really interested in the next step or want the job, don’t forget a follow-up note! This thank-you note should be gracious, upbeat, and enthusiastic. That goes without saying. A couple of other things to aim for: 💡 Make it personal by referencing real conversations you [...]

2022-07-20T08:21:42-04:00July 20th, 2022|

The Most Important Part of a Resume

“Tim, What’s the most important part of any resume?” The whole thing matters, but I would argue that the biggest focus should be on proving your worth as a performer. The companies and titles are great, but what exactly did you accomplish in those roles? Your Made/Saved/Achieveds should be front and center in bullet format. Easy to find. What did you do to [...]

2022-07-19T07:29:28-04:00July 19th, 2022|

Think You’re in a Dead-End Job? Think Again.

Are you in a dead-end job? I can certainly help you get a new one.But in the meantime, there might be more you could do to get something valuable out of your current role.For instance, are there training or development opportunities you haven’t taken advantage of that could serve your career in the long run?Are there soft skills you could be honing in [...]

2022-07-18T06:54:01-04:00July 18th, 2022|

How to Hire Gen Z

For so long, all we ever heard about was employing millennials. They’re now the biggest population in the workforce. But along comes Gen Z to mix it up. So how do we identify a Gen Z individual? Let's look at the demographics currently in the workforce: Baby Boomers: 1946 - 1964 Gen X: 1965 - 1980 Gen Y: 1981 - 1996 Gen Z: [...]

2022-07-15T07:57:08-04:00July 15th, 2022|

In Praise of Employee Led Learning

Company leaders know they’re under pressure to upskill their workforces. As for employees, they clearly want to learn new skills. Recent research (and my personal experience as a recruiter) shows that L&D opportunities are a driving factor in employee happiness and retention. But those learning opportunities don’t always have to be the sole responsibility of the employer. There’s another highly effective strategy to pay [...]

2022-07-14T07:13:20-04:00July 14th, 2022|

The Great 4 Day Workweek experiment

Can employees retain 100% of productivity while working 80% of the time? That’s the question an enormous UK experiment asks. The largest research project of its kind to date involves 70 companies and 3,300 employees participating in the 4 Day Week UK Campaign. Companies include industries from banking to healthcare to retail to hospitality. The campaign aims to solve for better work-life balance, [...]

2022-07-13T07:48:44-04:00July 13th, 2022|

How Scents Lure You Back

It's vacation time of year. What did your summer vacation smell like? Pretty great? So good you‘re ready to go back? Sensory appeal is increasingly being used by the travel industry to “scent” the tourism experience. And you bet they hope it lures you back. The research supports this, too. Smells are proven to act as a source of intangible information that our [...]

2022-07-12T07:09:55-04:00July 12th, 2022|

Important Aspects of Employee Retention

In 2022, paying people well is table stakes. If you really want to make a difference in your retention levels, take a look at employee experience. As Inc. puts it, “creating an environment that people want to work in is the most holistic and effective way to approach retention.” Holistic because it impacts everyone. Effective because people really care about their experience every [...]

2022-07-11T11:01:38-04:00July 11th, 2022|
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