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So far dhobeika has created 479 blog entries.

The Wrong Way to Quit a Job

"Take this job and shove it." ~ Johnny Paycheck When you’re fed up with your job and you know you're moving on, what’s the best move? For Steven Slater, a flight attendant with JetBlue, the answer was: Quit over the intercom, in front of a plane full of passengers waiting to debark, and then dramatically slide down the emergency escape chute at JFK [...]

2022-09-21T08:13:32-04:00September 21st, 2022|

BeReal is the New Buzz for GenZ

A prompt appears on your phone screen. You have two minutes to snap a photo and post it. Is it a more authentic view of life? Everyone on BeReal seems to think so. The social media app is Gen Z’s new favorite, installed more than 20 million times since July. With no ads and a quick prompt format, it‘s definitely different from what [...]

2022-09-19T07:39:30-04:00September 19th, 2022|

Why Employees Are Leaving Their Jobs

Why are employees leaving their jobs right now? BambooHR cites the following stats: ✅ 80% have their sights set on career growth ✅ 34% want a remote job ✅ 72% have rethought their careers as a direct result of the pandemic What would get them to stay? Flexible/remote work schedules and more growth opportunity within the company. None of this is really news anymore, but one [...]

2022-09-16T08:01:17-04:00September 16th, 2022|

Layoff Specialists

While layoffs were at a half-century low last year, suddenly, the demand for the specific skill set of “layoff specialists” is surging in some arenas. Honestly - I'm well aware of outplacement professionals, but layoff specialists? These hyper-focused professionals are experts in the local laws, can help a company define its specific layoff list, and craft communication plans to make things go as [...]

2022-09-15T08:31:59-04:00September 15th, 2022|

Working at One of the Areas Best Places to Work

You see them every year: The Best Places to Work 2022! You scroll through the list, daydreaming about working at one of these Best Places. But for one reason or another, it’s not realistic to land a job there. The next best thing? Look for a place to work that’s LIKE those best places to work. And the best way to do that? [...]

2022-09-14T08:17:52-04:00September 14th, 2022|

Greatest Weakness as an Interview Question

The questions you ask a potential job seeker may seem designed to ferret out truths. But in reality, they’re designed to test job applicants on their preparedness and poise. Consider the prompt “Tell me about a time you failed in your job, and how you handled it.” While on the surface, this prompt gets at a candidate’s capabilities when it comes to “thinking [...]

2022-09-13T07:53:38-04:00September 13th, 2022|

Older Workers Returning to Workforce

A year ago, we were seeing older workers flee from the workforce. Today, it’s the opposite. Pretty sure this phenomenon was tagged "The Great Return". Inflation and a struggling stock market have driven some retirees back to the workforce. According to a recent survey by Joblist, 27% of retirees returned to the workforce because they needed the money. Another 21% feared that inflation [...]

2022-09-12T07:45:18-04:00September 12th, 2022|

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

How would you rate your emotional intelligence? That's EI for short—the ability to recognize, understand and manage your own and others' emotions. And after multiple years of a global pandemic, it's something businesses are paying a lot more attention to. And it doesn't look to be going anywhere soon, as Gen Z entering the workforce and Millennials in top positions reshape the way [...]

2022-09-09T08:16:08-04:00September 9th, 2022|

Dreams of Retirement

Ask the average Millennial, and they’ll say they hope to retire by 56. The average Baby Boomer hopes to retire around 60. What time does the average person actually retire? Currently, that number is 63. One of the main reasons for this discrepancy is that most people don’t know how much money they’ll actually need to retire. The current rates of inflation certainly [...]

2022-09-08T08:27:06-04:00September 8th, 2022|

How to Make Your Resume Pop

Just because it’s a candidate’s market doesn’t mean you’re having an easy time finding a job. It can be easy to wonder or feel inferior when you’re hearing how desperate companies are for talent, yet not finding a good fit. To make an energetic shift in your search, start with your resume. How are you telling your story? Is it explicit and obvious [...]

2022-09-07T07:58:17-04:00September 7th, 2022|
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