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So far dhobeika has created 481 blog entries.

March is – Burrito Season

What's your busiest time of year at work? Many industries have annual busy times of year. For my friends in public accounting, January through mid April is their frenetic filing time. (Hope it's going well for all you CPAs! 🤜 💥 ) Retail is another sector that tends to be susceptible to seasonal fluctuations. For the majority of the retail world, the pre-Christmas [...]

2023-03-03T07:50:54-05:00March 3rd, 2023|

Should You Hire Someone Who Is Overqualified?

You're looking at the resume of a candidate who checks all your boxes. And then some. “Tim, that candidate sounds amazing,” I hear. “But we think they are overqualified.” The answer obviously depends on the case. But there IS a case for hiring someone who, on the surface, seems overqualified for a job. While it’s easy for the hiring manager to worry that [...]

2023-03-02T08:08:17-05:00March 2nd, 2023|

It’s Not An Office, It’s a Hub

How do you feel about going to the office? Now that fewer people are keen to work in an office, Audible, for one, has decided… …not to call it the “office.” The audio entertainment company prefers the term “hubs” to describe where its global employees work. To be fair, the hubs aren’t traditional offices at all. Audible hubs are places for employees to [...]

2023-03-01T07:25:47-05:00March 1st, 2023|

Changing Jobs – How Often is Too Often?

Long gone are the days when it was important to show job stability as a major priority on your resume. It’s extremely rare today for a professional to stay in the same role or even at the same company for an entire career. Yet, there can be such a thing as being too quick to quit. “How often is too often?” You may [...]

2023-02-28T08:22:13-05:00February 28th, 2023|

Working Hours Around the World

What kind of hours are people working? Think workers in the US work more hours than others in the world? Think again. According to data aggregated in 2022 by the International Labour Organization (ILO), people in the US work fewer hours a week than those in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Costa Rica. The average workweek in Colombia (and also in Guatemala & Botswana) [...]

2023-02-23T08:51:47-05:00February 23rd, 2023|

Social Media and Your Job Search

Job Seeker  = Think Like a Marketer If you’re hoping to land a new job this year, it’s time to think like a marketer. When people approach me to tell me they’re ready to launch a job search, one of the first things I say is, “How’s your online presence?” If your LinkedIn profile isn’t complete, that’s a definite ding. But marketing yourself [...]

2023-02-22T09:56:46-05:00February 22nd, 2023|

Employment Trends by Generation

How often to people change jobs? Well - how long have you been at your current job? If more than 4.2 years, you’re statistically due for a change, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022 numbers). And if you’re under 35, you’re overdue. Millennials are three times more likely to have changed jobs in the last year than other generations, and while [...]

2023-02-21T11:27:15-05:00February 21st, 2023|


Are you a fan of acronyms? Somewhere in Washington DC there has to be a branding agency tasked with coming up with acronyms for all these bills. In recent years, there have been: CHOMP Act: Consumers Have Options for Molar Protection; STALKERS Act: Simplifying The Ambiguous Law, Keeping Everyone Reliably Safe; PROSTATE Act: Prostate Research, Outreach, Screening, Testing, Access and Treatment Effectiveness; And [...]

2023-02-20T07:49:19-05:00February 20th, 2023|

Why You Should or Shouldn’t Quit Your Job

Looking or Lurking? Of the people who follow me on LinkedIn, I’m pretty sure a fair amount aren’t actively looking for a new job. Still, they’re keeping in touch with - or keeping tabs on - a recruiter, and that’s a sign. When you’re ready, you’ll know. But if you’re in the waffling stage, here are some things to consider: 🔹 You feel stuck [...]

2023-02-17T08:24:17-05:00February 17th, 2023|

Are Fully Remote Jobs Fading?

"Tim, why can't I find a 100% remote position?" Remote work gets a lot of airplay in HR circles, but it's not as common as you might think. In fact, according to LinkedIn, the abundance of remote work options is trending downward. Of course, every survey and pundit seems to have a different opinion on the prevalence of remote work. Still, I laughed [...]

2023-02-16T08:01:00-05:00February 16th, 2023|
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