Ideas to Solve the Meetings Problem

The average 10-person meeting costs an organization $2,340, according to Glassdoor, based on mid-level salary averages.

There are other costs that can’t be easily quantified, like bored, annoyed employees being interrupted in the middle of their valuable work.

Yet for all their bad juju, meetings remain a central feature of most workplaces.

Columbia Business School professor Christopher Frank suggests asking yourself 4 questions before planning every meeting, which will help you decide whether the meeting really needs to happen, who has to be there, and what the agenda (am I the only one who dreads going to a formal business meeting with no prewritten agenda?) should look like.

1 What is the purpose — inform or compel?

2 What is the issue in seven words or fewer?

3 Who has already weighed in and what did they have to say?

4 What could surprise me in this meeting?

This series of questions could provide an interesting framework to help make your meetings more useful, efficient, and less boring for attendees.

#meeting #businessmeeting #agenda

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