Manners Matter

So – where have all the manners gone?

There used to be a certain decorum to the job hunt. It involved cover letters with respectable fonts and graciously crafted thank-you notes, or at least emails.

Some hiring managers I speak with bemoan the loss of these little formalities among the candidates they see, while others don’t think they were ever important, to begin with.

After all, with automated resume-scanning software now the norm, cover letters have less sway. And in a remote work world, do dress pants even matter?

Still, there’s something to be said for manners. A job seeker who is poised and gracious makes a good impression. People want to work with people who aren’t just talented, but cordial. Agreeable. Who aren’t just experienced, but have a sense of how to act in a room.

In a world where manners matter less and less, you can stand out – in a job search AND in life – by having them.

#manners #jobsearch #etiquette

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