3D Printed Dirt Walls to Grow a Garden

Want to grow a garden? Press print and just add water.

That’s the latest concept from a team of designers in Jerusalem. To Grow a Building, presented at Jerusalem Design Week, uses a custom 3D-printing robot that prints dirt walls with seeded soil.

In six weeks, with just a bit of water, those walls will have grown a root system, lush greens and radishes ready to eat.

Sounds idyllic, but why not garden the traditional way? To eliminate the use of concrete and steel in architecture—responsible for 22% of global emissions. Even better, these materials are entirely local, with no need to transport across the world.

Next step is to expand the size—next year, they hope to build a full-size pavilion.

Whether you’re a green thumb already or could use the extra help, this sounds pretty fantastic.

As someone who cultivates both hydroponic and traditional gardens, this topic is eye grabbing for me. As a recruiter, I love reading about the latest innovations in every industry. It’s a real perk of the job. Even better is connecting my clients with well matched candidates who are eager to join successful, growing teams!

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